Another Confused Newbie :(

Ok, i installed the CCleaner, but when i went to the uninstall place, they had some things listed that i don't want internet provider, my internet ansering machine (callwave) and some others. These are all listed in my temp. internet files.

How do i use the cleaner without erasing these important sites? I've looked through the beginners guide and i'm still confused.

Any help would be appreciated.


Simpy don't use the uninstaller section of CCleaner then. It's for removing programs, as it implies.

It will uninstall a program only if you highlight that program and click the Run Uninstaller button.

Yeah, that's what I meant to say. hehe

Making things abundantly clear to the totally confused has become a reflex for me.

I spend a lot of time on the Mozillazine forum, and many users there are, to put it gently, less than astute.