Annoying /AUTO


Then CCleaner.exe running with parameter /AUTO, the icon is showing in system tray near clock and CCleaner _takes_ focus from my working window. So, if `CCleaner.exe /AUTO` runs many times (from scheduler, for example), it`s ANNOYING by this.

Could the developers please add parameter in command line or something that turn off the icon in system tray? Let us say, run in `Stealth mode`.

Thank you.

Is it not better to be annoyed rather than be left in ignorance of the fact that essential current backup files are being removed whilst they could still be needed.

I certainly would not risk having what will become fit-for-removal long term junk cleaned whilst it still has a purpose in life.

Experienced user like me fully understands what he's doing and understands risk of losing information. In the case when it is necessary run auto-clean many times, CCleaner distract and interferes from/with work on the computer. So, why not add some parameter to the /AUTO in command line for work in `Stealth` mode? Let users decide themselves how more convenient to work in Windows.

I would agree with you, except if the icon were removed, there would be no way for a user to tell if anything had been cleaned.

They would be left to wonder... Did anything happen yet?

To tell users if anything had been cleaned in AUTO-mode, it should be logging-file with all actions of CCleaner.

My Window`s scheduler run "CCleaner.exe /AUTO" for clean some thing in my system many-many times. The icon displayed for less than one second. What can i see during this time, if it has been cleaned exactly? Or maybe error happened? Absolutely nothing.

In AUTO-mode, then CCleaner run via scripting/schedulers, icons are not needed. IMHO.

To tell users if anything had been cleaned in AUTO-mode, it should be logging-file with all actions of CCleaner.

But logging-files are a valid target for CCleaner to zap,

so without an icon to notify you will not know a logging-file has been created,

and by the time you look to see if anything happened the information has been replaced with a new entry

"old logging-file deleted".

It seems a little inconsistent to frequently run auto-clean and at the same time to create a logging-file

But logging-files are a valid target for CCleaner to zap,

so without an icon to notify you will not know a logging-file has been created,

and by the time you look to see if anything happened the information has been replaced with a new entry

"old logging-file deleted".

It seems a little inconsistent to frequently run auto-clean and at the same time to create a logging-file

Usually, console programs have the feature to limit size of a logging-file. I.e. logging-file have max size is 500 Kbytes for example. This size is more than enough to keep the information about CCleaner`s work in the last week. CCleaner should just append new records to the end of a logging-file. So, I can see a logging-file in any time.

Actually, personally for me, I don't need even a logging-file. If something goes wrong, I see it during a work with the Windows, applications, etc.