ajax13 online apps! AWESOME

This is what I've been talking about!


I always said that for online apps to really become the future, they had to look and feel just like the ones you have installed on your computer. None of the apps on that page are better than say openoffice or MS Office, but they do something very interesting. When you open the text or word type program you will see that your browser opens a window that look just like any other word processor. To me thats pretty impressive, because its one step closer to being able to be fully integrated onto your desktop.

Imagine instead of installing office software you just put links on your desktop to an online service. Its pretty fascinating.

As you can see, if I hid the status bar you wouldn't even be able to tell it was a browser and not an actual program.


If google set up writely like that, and put out a powerpoint like program I could probably quit using staroffice.

(If anyone has used writely, its got a strange feel to it. It looks more like notepad than word.. no rulers or margins and stuff)


Nice, I've noticed GMail has now incorperated somthing similar, I can use their online app to open attached word documents.

Very Handy :) .

I like the design of it, simple and to the point without the clutter I have in MS Word.


The music player is pretty cool too! :)

Looks very cool. Says you need to Firefox to use. Not a problem for me but not every one uses Firefox.

Looks very cool. Says you need to Firefox to use. Not a problem for me but not every one uses Firefox.

I didn't even notice that. At least its requiring something thats platform independant so anyone can use it, and not say IE or safari.

I have been playing around with the word processor and it's not working very well. Can't save anything. I keep getting java errors. Looked at the support forum and this has been going on for about a year and not much has been done to fix it.

Yeah, I noticed that really quickly as well. Thats why I said its not going to replace say openoffice or MS Office right now, but whats exciting is the concept and the fact that we know what can be done. Once its been perfected, it couldn't get much better. :) (because it wouldn't be any different then using an installed application)

Whats great about googles services is they have free online storage(not sure how much), but imagine if at any computer you sat down at it had the same program, and all you needed to access your files was your username. Sure you can use a flash drive right now or email them, but what I'm thinking is you would open the files from your account just like any thing else on your hard drive. You would just go to file>open and have everything everywhere you go.

Its a pretty cool concept to me.

I kept getting Java errors too when trying to save, but I didn't have Sun Java enabled. However the save function still didn't work with Sun Java enabled in Firefox.


Something I forgot about, Firefox's installation did gripe about having Sun Java Runtime Environment installed so maybe it's incompatible thus the error ajaxWrite is giving.

I kept getting Java errors too when trying to save, but I didn't have Sun Java enabled. However the save function still didn't work with Sun Java enabled in Firefox.


Something I forgot about, Firefox's installation did gripe about having Sun Java Runtime Environment installed so maybe it's incompatible thus the error ajaxWrite is giving.

There are many people on the support forum for Ajax that are having the Java error problem. It's been ongoing for about a year. Some have said they fixed the problem by using a different server to access the Ajax site. The Europeans are having this problem and say it's fixed when using the US server. http://www.ajaxlaunch.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=250

I am in Canada and I get the errors every time I try to save.

That link I provided to the tread on their forum is like the 6th one on the front page of the ajaxwrite forum and it's last post is December 26, 2006. Doesn't seem like there is much support for this.