We're excited to announce you can now upgrade to one of our Agomo Professional or Business plans! Agomo will be coming out of beta soon – but demand for upgrades has been so high, we didn't want to wait any longer to announce these plans!
These new subscriptions have been designed to be flexible with monthly or yearly payment options to suit you:
Agomo Pro is just $5 a month to keep all your home PCs running clean, safe and fast. Monitor and optimize up to 10 machines and add extra features like Clean and Defrag scheduling, priority support and two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security.
Agomo Business gives you access to all the awesome features of Agomo Pro and allows you to keep all your Business endpoints running like new for only $2 a month per computer. Our trained support team will be on hand for any questions you have.
We'll be continuing to add more and more features to all Agomo plans in the coming months.
For those of you already signed up you can upgrade to one of our new plans by clicking on the Upgrade link within your account.
If you haven't tried Agomo yet, simply sign up and register for your free account at Agomo.com!