After upgrading speed enhancement is still grey.

Hello! Just upgraded to professional version of CCLEANER, downloaded the latest update and tried to launch speed enhancement on my computer, but it still does not show me an ability to use speed enhancements saying that the programm is "unable to reach server" and it's lit up as grey unavailable feature.

What should I do to activate this ability?

Have you registered the newly purchased CCleaner? ie. does it say CCleaner Professional at the top?

From your description of it being greyed out then I think that you probably have registered, but you are either not connected to the internet or something is blocking access to the required server.

Is it just 'Speed' or is 'Security' next to it also greyed out?


Blocks on server access can be caused by your antivirus/firewall settings.

Which version of Windows are you using, and which antivirus/antivirus version?

I have the same problem with Speed only

@SteveTK As I was getting to above if your internet wasn't connecting for some reason then both Speed and Security would be greyed out.

If only one of them is greyed that would indicate an issue connecting to one particular server.

If it's only just happened, and it wasn't greyed out for your before, then it's probably something at the server end.

Maybe a connection glitch, maybe a server glitch, maybe just server maintenance.

In either case it should connect if you try again later when the server is back online. (Which may be why the original poster didn't come back, his problem disappeared on it's own when the server came back online?)

However if it remains greyed out for a day or two then that's probably your antivirus/firewall settings blocking the connection.

If that's the case and you need to come back to use then please let us know your CCleaner version, your Windows version and build, and what Antivirus you are using and if it's not Windows Defender then the AV version.

TBH in my opinion the Speed function doesn't really need running everytime that you run Health Check, but that's the way Health Check currently works.

The Speed function clears/prevents unecessary apps from starting with your computer and thus slowing it down by running in the background, once cleared from the startup list these are unlikely to come back into it again.

(Health Checks' Speed is the equivalent of Tools>Startup from the CCleaner menu, but in Health Check it is run automatically with it's own rules of what to remove from that list).

The possible case for running Speed everytime with Health Check is if a newly installed/updated app, or Windows Update, has put something new in the startup list

CCleaner Professional: v5.87.9306 (64 bit)

Windows 10 Pro: v20H2 OS Build 19042.1348


MAV? Do you mean Microsoft Defender? (Commonly referred to as Windows Defender).

Is your 'Speed' button still greyed out and not working?

Is you 'Security' button not grey and working?

All I know is MAV stands for Managed AntiVirus

Thanks I'll look later if I can find what it could be, but am not at home at the moment.

2 hours ago, SteveTK said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		All I know is MAV stands for Managed AntiVirus

Is it a business machine?

No it is a home computer. The MAV is by an IT consultant that I used in my former business

Hazelnut asked because the term 'Managed Antivirus' does indicate that it is a network endpoint solution for business.

ie. One that is 'managed' on your machine remotely by the company's IT department.

And that also makes more sense now that you say that it's from a former business IT consultant.

Is your former IT consultant still managing the AV for you? or has it been without any support or updates for a while?

You may want to look further into just what it is, and more importantly when was it last updated.

If it hasn't been updated for a while then it's almost certainly out of date and not properly protecting you.

To get back to the greyed out button in CCleaner -

It is likely that this 'managed' AV is blocking the required connection to that particular CCleaner server, network AVs are very keen on restricting unknown connections to protect the business network (employees have a habit of clicking links they shouldn't and letting nasties in), in which case it would need the AV firewall settings changing to allow it through.

Thanks for the information, I will contact my IT and ask him about CCleaner restrictions. Thanks for your help.