After disabling Microsoft Text Input Application CCleaner triggers DCOM error!

Last year I added reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\WindowsInternal.ComposableShell.Experiences.TextInput.InputApp.exe" /v Debugger /d "%SystemRoot%\system32\systray.exe" /f

taskkill /im "WindowsInternal.ComposableShell.Experiences.TextInput.InputApp.exe" /t /f

echo done

On Windows 10 Pro in order to disable the annoying Microsoft Text Input. Unfortunately in doing so, I have noticed that CCleaner triggers this error.. 

The server InputApp_1000.18362.449.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy!App did not register with DCOM within the required timeout. I am trying to figure out how to stop this error. But this gets triggered with CCleaner and Windows+H even though with the debugger method it prevents the app from running... Not sure how to solve this!

App did not register with DCOM within required timeout.jpg

How do we get rid of this error? I noticed that when I press Windows+H or use CCleaner to run the cleaner I am met with this. App did not register with DCOM within the required timeout. CCleaner is what basically tries to initiate the Microsoft Text Input causing this error.

This is pretty annoying. I don't know if anyone has experienced this. Because while debugger prevents the Input Application from starting. If I use CCleaner then this will trigger with error. If I undo the changes, of-course this rectifies the issue with the error, but TextInput App is running in the background against my will.

If I try to deny permission for "InputService" APPID = {730BFCEC-E4BF-4D3A-9FBB-01DD132467A4} in DCOMcnfg.exe then it vanishes from the DCOM Config list. I then can go to regedit and add myself as an Administrator again. But this seems to have no effect on getting rid of the error in my screenshot.

Anyway to fix this, without CCleaner requesting the Microsoft Text Input App?

Is this any help?

The answer given includes a section: "What I did I do to solve DCOM error:"

Are you running the Registry Cleaner part of CCleaner when this error is triggered?

No, I'm running the normal Cleaner where you press Run Cleaner. Registry Cleaner in fact doesn't trigger this error as it doesn't try to trigger launch of the Text Input App.

It is only triggered when trying to erase the normal log files, including the temporary internet browser files and windows explorer, log files, etc. These trigger the Microsoft Text Input Application to trigger the error.

I undoed the debugger to re-enable Microsoft Text Input Application and that of-course stops the error. But it triggers this unwanted application to run in the background. I read from people that this Text Input App causes frame rates to drop in certain PC games. That's why I want it to be disabled but without triggering errors in Event Viewer.

I tried following his guide, but it doesn't work. My error slightly differs from his. Somehow windows tries to attempt launching the Input Keyboard app when pressing Windows+H or using CCleaner. And it also happens to sometimes launch by itself in the background, but I don't know the triggers for it. I know the guy from the TenForums, I have replied to him in one of his other posts. Not sure if anything can be done.

If it does not launch by itself randomly, then I won't need to disable it. But I'm trying to find other triggers that is making it start running in the background.

Is it actually causing a problem?

That is: if you weren't looking at the error logs would you even notice it?

Will see what answers you get in this thread here too.