After cancelling wipe free space, my disk space increased. Where is the file?

Sorry if i couldnt explain my problem on title. My problem is while wiping free space continuening i cancelled. But my disk space increased like 9-10 gb. Where is this file and can i delete it ? Sorry my english is kinda bad :')

I couldnt find with WinDirStat btw

Nevermind, i started again and it solved

That can/will happen if Wipe Free Space (or Drive Wiper) is inturrupted unexpectedly, such as by a power failure or unplugging an external drive while it is wiping.

Drive wipes work by filling up the 'free' parts of the disc with one or more files containing random data, (typically X's and Zeros) and then deleting that data.

That way any files that you have previously deleted get overwritten with random data, and so cannot later be recovered by recovery software.

Of course if anything should stop the drive wipe before it has deleted the random data that it has written then that random data will remain, taking up space on the disc.

Normally if that happens then you have to find and delete those temporary files manually.

However in your case it looks like you cancelled the wipe operation rather than there being an unexpected interruption.

So the temporary files would get deleted, (which is why WinDirStat couldn't find them), but it seems that for some reason Windows itself didn't recognise that and thought they were still there - it just took giving Windows a poke (restart) to recognise that they had gone.

Thanks, as i said i started wiping again it solved the problem. There wont be no harm because of this, right ?

No harm; if the temporary files have gone and your free space is back then that's fine.

TBH Wipe Free Space (and/or Drive Wiper in the Tools) should only ever be needed if you are passing on you PC or hard drive to someone else and you don't want them to be able to recover your deleted files with recovery software. (They may still be able to recover the old filenames, and possibly thumbnails of pictures, but not the original file contents).

Wiping the free space is not going to free up extra space or make your computer faster in any way.

Ok thank you :)