AdwCleaner 7.4

First thing to note - It's not a CCleaner rival, it does a totally different job - finding and removing adware, PUP's, and other unwanted software.

AdwCleaner v7.4 has now been released to the public.

As well as adware and PUP's (Potentially Unwanted Programmes) v7.4 can now find/remove 'bloatware' pre-installed by the PC manufacturer.

(The beta version removed 9 apps pre-installed by my laptops' manufacturer that had never used, didn't even know they were there).

The usual warning- Use with care.

You can restore software that Adw has quarantined, but to be totally safe make a mirror/backup your system before using it.

I thought ADWC was incorporated into MBAM when they acquired it.

in other words, if you run MBAM first, then ADWC should find nothing new.

8 hours ago, mta said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix">
		I thought ADWC was incorporated into MBAM when they acquired it.

		in other words, if you run MBAM first, then ADWC should find nothing new.

That was the plan when they first acquired it.

But they do have different search criteria and capabilities. Adw will find adware and PUPs that MB3 doesn't so is still useful as a seperate application.

(eg. MB3 will not find those pre-installed apps that Adw now will with the new version).

I think that it's still the future plan to eventually combine Adw into MB, but for now as this new release shows Adw is still being supported seperately.

with the pics from adwcleaner and malwarebytes seems malwarebytes find pups and so on to...

12 hours ago, trium said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix">
		with the pics from adwcleaner and malwarebytes seems malwarebytes find pups and so on to...

Indeed it will.

But as I said above MB3 and Adw use different datebases and search parameters, so Adw will find things that MB3 doesn't.

Another good reason for it being seperate is that Adw does not need to be installed, you can run it from a USB to check a family/friends/customers computer, whereas MB3 does need to be installed.

The long term plan was/is to merge Adw's capabilities into MB, but that's not been done yet and doesn't look like happening anytime soon.