As recommended I check all the boxes except the advanced options. Every review I had read skip over the advanced options as well. Can some tell me what checking each of the advanced options does along with the positive and negative results of checking them?

Old Prefetch data

Menu Order Cache

Tray Notifications

Window Size/Location Cache

User Assist History

IIS Log Files

Hotfix Uninstallers

Custome Files and folders

I have searched this forum but have not found the answers.

Thank you

Everything is safe to select and clean in CCleaner. However, i personally unchecked "Old Prefetch data" because it might cripples application load times.

Here you go... Piriform has its own documentation site for all 3 programs now... This is the direct page for the information you are looking for:

Advanced Windows files


Here you go... Piriform has its own documentation site for all 3 programs now... This is the direct page for the information you are looking for:

Advanced Windows files


Thanks Keith

Advanced Windows files

CCleaner can remove these advanced Windows files:

Old Prefetch Data - (XP only) To run quickly, Windows uses prefetch files to store information about programs that you frequently use. The Cleaner deletes old prefetch data for programs that no longer exist or haven't been used in a long time.

Menu Order Cache - When you drag and drop items on the Start menu into different locations, Windows stores this information in the Menu Order Cache.

Tray Notifications Cache - This cache stores information about any items that have ever appeared in your System Tray, and whether or not you have set them to Hide, Hide When Inactive, or Always Show.

Window Size/Location Cache - When you open and close Windows Explorer, Windows records folder settings for window position, sort order, columns, folder type, toolbar toggles, and search result views.

User Assist History - User Assist History is a built-in monitoring feature of Windows that records when you access programs, shortcuts, Control Panel applets, and possibly even Web sites.

IIS Log Files - Microsoft's IIS server keeps logs of its activities on your system.

Hotfix Uninstallers - (XP only) Every time you download and run a Hotfix from Microsoft, Windows stores an uninstallation program for that Hotfix on your system.

Custom Files and Folders - This setting relates to CCleaner rather than any part of Windows. If you select Custom Files and Folders, CCleaner will use the information in the Include and Exclude part of its Advanced section to add or ignore files, folders, and Registry keys while cleaning.