Advanced - Hot Fix Uninstallers

I have been using CCleaner for a few years, at the Advanced area checking only "Old Prefetch Data" since I'm no expert... today I check "Hot Fix Uninstallers" and ran the "analyze". It shows me 300,638KB. Is it safe to "Run Cleaner" to delete these files? I have no idea what they are... or should I not touch it?

I will appreciate your help on this....

Thank you.

The information about them albeit brief is located here.

It's alright to remove them but only if you do not want to uninstall any Microsoft/Windows Updates. However after you remove them you'll be stuck with any updates you have installed. Also if you remove them expect to see the registry cleaner list allot of invalid uninstallers, which will be pointing to the hotfixes uninstallers you've removed.

So in general it's safe to remove them so long as you know you'll be stuck with any Microsoft/Windows Updates you've installed.

The information about them albeit brief is located here.

It's alright to remove them but only if you do not want to uninstall any Microsoft/Windows Updates. However after you remove them you'll be stuck with any updates you have installed. Also if you remove them expect to see the registry cleaner list allot of invalid uninstallers, which will be pointing to the hotfixes uninstallers you've removed.

So in general it's safe to remove them so long as you know you'll be stuck with any Microsoft/Windows Updates you've installed.

Hi, i have a question, related to Windows "uninstaller" .

I noticed that my D:\WINDOWS has about 500MB in "junk" uninstaller and "migration" files, which have not been touched by CCleaner 3.01, regardless the fact they are older than 24h (std setting).

I don't like to delete manually but for sure i do not intend to keep "history" unless strictly necessary.

Actually I'd like to run a GhostImg and reducing the space will allow me to store the partition on 1 dvd only.

How to (if possible) get rid of those files?

Hi, i have a question, related to Windows "uninstaller" .

I noticed that my D:\WINDOWS has about 500MB in "junk" uninstaller and "migration" files, which have not been touched by CCleaner 3.01, regardless the fact they are older than 24h (std setting).

I don't like to delete manually but for sure i do not intend to keep "history" unless strictly necessary.

Actually I'd like to run a GhostImg and reducing the space will allow me to store the partition on 1 dvd only.

How to (if possible) get rid of those files?


thank you ,

i did read that,

but my question was more related to the fact that CCleaner does not delete them and not even ask whether or not i would like to.

I thought it should, but it's all right. perhaps it is safer, this way. Great product.

Thanks so much for the help!!!! I didn't know i could uninstall the Microsoft updates I had installed before, I really need space, how do I delete them?


I didn't know i could uninstall the Microsoft updates I had installed before, I really need space, how do I delete them?

Most of them fix security flaws in Windows, so you should not remove them unless required for some technical reason. Leaving Windows unpatched exponentially increases your chances of being infected with a virus.

My suggestion is you purchase an external hard drive, which you can pick up for around $50 these days. You could also consider moving some of your data "to the cloud" by storing it in Windows Live Skydrive or something similar.

I wouldn't uninstall the actual updates, also known as "hotfixes," either unless you do it very selectively and you know it won't compromise security. The Hotfix Uninstallers on the other hand can be safely deleted but if you do just be aware you may not be able to uninstall any of the updates (hotfixes) they correspond to. This is probably not a big problem, but if down the line you ever decide you need or want to uninstall an update you might be out of luck.

Norel makes a good point for understanding exactly what CCleaner is doing. You definitely do not want to remove the applied updates! Don't confuse the installed updates with their uninstallers.