Adobe Reader 8.0 installed smootly, and cleanly uninstalled my existing 7.0.8 version. It is recommended to uninstall earlier versions before installing v8.
I have read of difficulties installing v8 on Vista; check the Adobe Reader forum before attempting to install on Vista.
Silly question,but whats the difference between Adobe reader and Adobe acrobat?
Reader allow you to read PDF files. The PDF/Portable Document File is created using Adobe Acrobat in most cases. OpenOffice also has a PDF creation tool although limited. However Adobes Acrobat is a program strictly to just create PDF files with control over ever part of the document such as photos,fonts,color separation management,etc. We use PDF files quiet extensively in our printing company to do proofing and to import/export files in and out of desktop programs like PhotoShop and Quark as well as overseas FTP uploads and downloads.
Looking in my program list i have Adobe Acrobat professional installer.Is this to install my Adobe Acrobat, or is this a separate program again?
The reason i ask is i was wanting to uninstall them, as i only use Adobe Reader.
Acrobat Professional installer will install your reader and your writer for PDF files. If you don't have a need to save document like in word or copy web pages as PDF files, then just download either Adobe acrobat reader or Foxit reader one. I just put acrobat reader 8 on my wifes computer its faster than 7 works fine.
Acrobat Professional installer will install your reader and your writer for PDF files. If you don't have a need to save document like in word or copy web pages as PDF files, then just download either Adobe acrobat reader or Foxit reader one. I just put acrobat reader 8 on my wifes computer its faster than 7 works fine.
So in layman's term's can i delete the Acrobat Professional installer.Or do i need it for the reader and writer to work?
Though i have noticed that Acrobat Professional Installer is not in add/remove programs, unlike Abode reader & Adobe Acrobat.
I use Foxit, but I installed AR 8 just to see if it was any good. I do like the interface much better than the AR 7 series, but like Andavari said, a pretty interface just isn't worth the massive size. Add / Remove Programs shows it taking up about 117 MBs; that is utterly appalling. I can't see a PDF creating and editing app reasonably hogging up that much space, much less simply a program for only viewing them! Not to mention, even though AR 8 is faster than previous AR version, it is still a bit slower than Foxit, at least on my PC.
I don't see AR 8 offering any benefits, other than a prettier interface (which Foxit's interface is still very attractive IMO) and more control over preferences (that I never use anyway). Looks like Adobe still doesn't have me sold.
once the uninstall is successful (you may need to reboot), you can delete the Acrobat Professional installer
install the latest (and greatest) version of Adobe Reader
[edit] this recommendation because you mentioned that you don't use Adobe Acrobat. If you do use it, of course don't uninstall it. In this case you may also need to keep the installer, in order to uninstall the software. You do not need either of these to install or use Adobe Reader.
In this latest version was added auto-detection for version 8.0 of Adobe Reader/Acrobat. So, we have the opportunity of disabling the majority of plugins that are completely useless for most users.
How pwillener said before, with different versions of Acrobat and Reader you will can have troubles.
But if you need Acrobat 6.0 installed and to update Reader to v. 8.0 my advice is to uninstall Reader 6.0 without uninstall Acrobat 6.0. Only after install Reader 8.0. You said that you don't have Reader 6.0 to uninstall in Add/Remove. But maybe you can... You can try this:
Open Windows Installer Clean Up - and if Adobe Reader 6.0 is in the list of installed produts you can select it (only Reader, never Acrobat!) and uninstall with this utility. And now you can get Reader 8.0.
If Reader 6.0 isn't in this list you can install Reader 8.0, and the installation automatically create the news registry entries and overwrite Reader 6.0.
And if the 6.0'folder remain after - don't delete it.
I heard they will be using GPGPU (General-Purpose Graphics Processing Unit) on the latest graphics cards to enhance the speed of Adobe Reader, this version I think.
I heard they will be using GPGPU (General-Purpose Graphics Processing Unit) on the latest graphics cards to enhance the speed of Adobe Reader, this version I think.
I wonder when they will use SLI lol!
maybe it will use up your 256M GPU memory:D
btw, reader 8.0 is really a surprise to me, at least it looks good