Adobe Icon can't be deleted

Despite deleting the Adobe downloader program from the start menu, its icon re-appears in the lower right corner of the screen whenever I re-open Windows XP. This doesn't happen with other programs whose icons I have successfully deleted. Can anyone help me ?


You deleted a shortcut from the start menu but the application is still running in the background and appears in the system tray. You could use MSCONFIG to disable the Adobe startup item. Are we talking about Adobe Reader? Or a diff. Adobe product?

Using CCleaner made me to forget msconfig. I did it and I succeed in deleting the shorcut.

Thank You for your help

Your welcome! At times, I also forget about the various tools already included with the OS.

Despite deleting the Adobe downloader program from the start menu, its icon re-appears in the lower right corner of the screen whenever I re-open Windows XP. This doesn't happen with other programs whose icons I have successfully deleted. Can anyone help me ?


Hi Joseba,

Welcome :D Good to have you.

You sure posted in the right forum.

From the responses I have seen, people reading this thread can learn a few things, especially "newbies".

These Piriform forums are a great place to visit and learn a little at a time.

Msconfig can be found searching here.

Wikipedia Bookmark and save to Favorites One of the fastest sources for learning with plenty of valuable links for each subject for more in-depth learning.

CCleaner Tools > Startup lesson

The other thing to learn in this situation is that CCleaner Tools > Startup is a great way to control what user controlled Processes(programs) can be Enabled or Disabled to start automatically when you "boot" your PC.

This is a great tool as it allows you to "experiment" with these programs. Rather than "Delete" these entries it is best to "Disable" or "Enable" them to see if they are really needed at startup. Many of them are not. The only startup entries that I have "enabled" are 1 security "real time" scanner , the "system tray" program and 1 fast running registry backup program (ERUNT and it only runs the first boot of the day). That is 3 startup entries "Enabled" and all the others "Disabled". (all the googles,yahoos,javas, hps, adobes, managers,phone homes,schedulers, update checkers, auto "destroyers" like cleaners or defraggers etc. Totally un-needed at startup.) Just keep them "Disabled" because sometimes they come in handy. Not often but sometimes.

Most of these Startup entries are put in by the software developer when you install their software. They all want to be the first start at "boot" so you think their program is quicker and more important than the other Processes. They love to put their icon in the "system tray" for you to see that their software is on the job. In most cases these programs are only needed in memory when YOU actually need them. Having them in memory slows down other processes and also wastes valuable RAM and CPU cycles. Some software companies have to make up for limitations or drawbacks to their software by having what they call Quick Launch capabilities. The software is so slow to load that it "must have a Quick Launch capability" or it will be unmasked for the space hog that it is.

Hope this helps you to clean up your PC from un-needed "system tray" icons and un-needed processes sitting in memory. You will be surprised how much quicker that your PC "boots" and runs.

Best wishes,

:) davey

I find this site handy to have bookmarked

TechSpot Startup List

In order to keep your Windows PC running as smoothly as possible, it's important to know what programs are running at startup, sometimes even without your knowledge. It is not unusual that startup programs have cryptic names and it is not clear whether they are necessary or malicious. The goal of this database is to help you find more information about these programs, and give you a better understanding if it is safe to remove them or not.

When in doubt then use Google and if it is not listed then its 99% sure that its new malware.