Adobe Flash Player

Not sure where to post this.

There are now 2 Adobe Flash Player items listed. One with an asterisk *, and one without.

I almost erased all my saved flash game data. *cough*

Is there a reason for this addition (and in turn a duplicate listing)? I don't see why the original built in winapp.ini wasn't modified.

I have the same, this needs looking into.

Last week Secunia reported that I had 3 versions of Adobe Flash.

I do not like Adobe - rubbish bloatware.

I found umpteen versions of obsolete Adobe junk in various places, including


I purged ...\Macromed\Flash\*.* and still had left behind diabolical ...\Macromed\Flash\ KB923789.inf

After an awful lot of effort, and many failed attempts at SAFE mode and taking ownership etc. I finally got rid of it.

I then found that with I.E.7 Adobe would use a 1.8 MByte installer to deliver an Active X version of Flash10, and Firefox had zero flash capaibility,

OR with Firefox Adobe gave me a 1.8 MByte installer for a NON-Active X version of Flash10, and then I.E.7 had zero flash capaibility.

I had to down load / install BOTH versions to have Flash capability for both browsers.

I am now stuck with all of this within C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\ :-









And of course I now have two versions of Flash10.

Adobe also have an 8 MByte Flash installer which delivers a lot more code, and possibly supports both browsers with one download.

And Adobe will also dump Google Tool bar on you given half a chance !



If you insist on using two browsers and going to sites that use Flash then you need both versions as long as you do not have the vulnerable version installed.

Being British I know you know what Tempest in a Teapot means.

If you insist on using two browsers and going to sites that use Flash then you need both versions as long as you do not have the vulnerable version installed.

Being British I know you know what Tempest in a Teapot means.

I agree, but it was not my decision !!!

This computer was a gift to me from my daughter, and she has a profile and prefers I.E.7 rather than Firefox.

Out of courtesy I tolerate this - she only logs on briefly once or twice a week.

For our mutual security I have downgraded her profile to non-administrator status.

I have no need for Flash, and would like to avoid wasting 4 MByte of code for F.F. Flash,

but I have to have it so my daughter will not use its absence as a reason to persist with I.E.

I much prefer to use Firefox 3.0.4.

For me I.E. is a painful risk I normal avoid.

I use I.E perhaps twice a year when circumstances compel.

Yesterday I had to use I.E. because my Internet Bank web-site has just been "upgraded",

and everything still worked with Firefox, apart from one aspect where the next page was blank with a "done" status.

This was consistently repeatable.

I tried again with I.E. with the same results - for half a second, after which an Active X script or something coughed into life and proceeded to complete the "blank" page.

Incidentally, when I downloaded a CSV file of my account, I found they had transposed the debit and credit columns.

Just when I thought I could desist from validating the bank statement's arithmetic, I find they could be crediting the debits and debiting the credits. If I am quick perhaps I could buy a luxury yacht and become a millionaire over night !!!

My initial reaction was that I am glad such idiots do not design Air Traffic Control computers.

My final considered opinion is that these idiots in financial organisations have done far worse damage to our present economic structure !!!



I don't see the problem here. There are two versions of Flash. One for IE and one for non IE browsers such as FireFox and Opera. You need both if you want to use Flash in each browser. This is how it is and is supposed to be.

If you have all kinds of Flash files all over the place try doing a proper uninstall with the proper tool and than doing clean installs of Flash. Updating over current versions of Flash is something I don't do. Here is the tool run it and it will gut your machine of Flash.

I was wondering about this key in it:


Which makes me wonder why this wasn't followed as detailed in the winapp2.ini thread:

To report additions for current programs in winapp.ini send MrG a Personal Message.
Which makes me wonder why this wasn't followed as detailed in the winapp2.ini thread:

Guess I'm an idiot.

I registered to receive updates for the file back in January, I have not read over the thread since. I didn't make the assumption that my answer would be in that thread. Never popped into my mind to re-read otherwise. A mishap for me is quite rare.

Anyway, this thread seems to have been multifunctional, which didn't quite follow what I was intending in my original post (just like the other thread I made, how odd).

I'll send that PM now.