Administrator Privileges

Using a limited account on Vista, running CCleaner as admin cleans the Windows Temp folder/reg.

However, unless I DON'T run as admin, I can't clean my cache or Recycle Bin.

Is there a way around this?

Yes ... use XP! :P

Just kidding ( or not ), but with Vista u must allways run such a program as admin. And, 'couse of that, i don't like that "happy colours&thought" operating system.

Yes ... use XP! :P

Just kidding ( or not ), but with Vista u must allways run such a program as admin. And, 'couse of that, i don't like that "happy colours&thought" operating system.

I know that I must run as admin/but doing so prevents it from cleaning my own info (Firefox/Recycle Bin)

Now, I run CCleaner twice (as std./as admin)