Can I use Ccleaner to get rid of address bar history or do I have to download other program? If so, how do I do it? Boy, I have some old stuff on that address bar. Neat if I could get rid of it. Using Windows 2000. Thanks! Clublon
Make sure you have the circled boxes checked. Then make sure all your browsers are closed and then press run cleaner.
Thanks! It appears I will also lose all stored passwords. It is worth it if I can get rid of address history. Clublon
If you don't want to lose your passwords, just uncheck Autocomplete Form History.
I tried this and it did not work. Got rid of passwords. Autocomplete Form History was the only box I did not previously checked. So I thought it would take care of it. Any other ideas? Thanks! Clublon
Hmm... not sure. Try clicking the Cleaner button and unchecking the Saved Form Information box under Applications. This might solve your problem.
You are probably already aware of this, but now that you've disabled password removal, that does not mean that your previously saved passwords will be restored. They were deleted, so the only way to get back your autocompleting forms is to go back to all of the places where you sign in and manually fill them in again. Doing this will add them to your autocomplete list again.
Also, if you are using Firefox 1.5 (and hopefully you are), make sure that it is set to not remove this information. Perhaps it is your browser that is deleting your passwords.
try not looking on porn.
Porn is not the issue. I know better than to type in porn urls. Thanks for help.
nah we were just playing dont get mad.
(did you get it fixed?)
No. I guess I will have to get one of those programs. Hate spending money on it. Oh Well.
Buy what? its not going to do anything ccleaner dosent do.
What exactly are the URLs you cant get rid of?
Lol kobrakommander56!
I've used CCleaner for over a year now, on multiple machines, and I've always had this problem. CCleaner never removes the typed in URL's from the Address Bar in the Windows taskbar. I have, and have always had, the "Recently Typed URLs" box checked, but it has never ever worked for me.
If there was one gripe I had about this otherwise insanely awesome program, it would be that. I can't believe it's just me that's been having this problem all these months...