adding programs to startup


i accidentally deleted my firewall from the startup, so it no longer starts up when the computer starts. i can't seem to add it back to the startup. is there a way of doing this, otr am i just being dense??? i use Sygate firewall if that makes any difference



i accidentally deleted my firewall from the startup, so it no longer starts up when the computer starts. i can't seem to add it back to the startup. is there a way of doing this, otr am i just being dense??? i use Sygate firewall if that makes any difference


Probably not the quickest way but I'd just reinstall it.

Sygate Personal Firewall should have an option in its settings that should allow you to re-enable it during startup without having to reinstall it. However if it doesn't, reinstall wouldn't be a bad ideal - just remember if you do reinstall use the option to Upgrade that way you won't loose all your currently configured blocked/allow apps.

Sygate Personal Firewall should have an option in its settings that should allow you to re-enable it during startup without having to reinstall it. ...

Same goes for ZoneAlarm. However, I currently would not recommend reinstalling ZoneAlarm, especially version 6.5 - there have been a great number of problems reported regarding upgrade / reinstall / uninstall 6.5.

Sygate Personal Firewall should have an option in its settings that should allow you to re-enable it during startup without having to reinstall it.

Correct Andavari, really should have thought of that first. If you open Sygate and go to Tools>Options there is a tick box to 'Automatically load Sygate at startup'

Apologies for not spotting the obvious :rolleyes:

cheers for that. i'd tried re-ticking teh box and updating. neither worked. the only way i could get it back was by un-installing then re-installing the firewall. now got reset all my setting. serves me right for deleting it in the first place.

real player seems to keep re-adding itself to the start up for some reason - i'll just keep on deleteing it!



real player seems to keep re-adding itself to the start up for some reason - i'll just keep on deleteing it!

Right click on the Real Player tray icon and choose Preferences.

Within the Preferences, click on the General Tab and then press the Settings button.

UNcheck the box labeled "Enable StartCenter".

Click "OK".

That should do the trick.

Right click on the Real Player tray icon and choose Preferences.

Within the Preferences, click on the General Tab and then press the Settings button.

UNcheck the box labeled "Enable StartCenter".

Click "OK".

That should do the trick.

Not neccesarily. Realsched.exe seems to add itself to startup every time you use Real Player (or at least it does here), regardless of having it set to not auto update. Having stopped Quick Time adding qttask to startup a long time ago by renaming it I tried the same with realsched.exe and that stopped it.

Filepath to realsched.exe here (WinXP Home) is: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Real\Update_OB\Realsched

I renamed it to RealschedOLD but rename it whatever, as long as its not Realsched it won't get put back in startup.

If Realplayer won't stop via the program it may have set itself as a service, and to disable services on WinXP:

1. Start -> Run -> Type in: services.msc

2. Find the service for it (if it's actually in there) and change its startup type via right clicking it and selecting Properties to: Manual or Disabled


There's non-bloated alternatives to Realplayer and QuickTime called:

Real Alternative and QuickTime Alternative