Adding locations to clean.


I added some locations to clean in the file "ccleaner.ini" this way:




Only locations 1 and 3 are actually cleaned; the second is completely ignored.

If i change a little the 2 first locations without the name of the profile "rblc01uk.default", location 2 is cleaned, but location 1 is not !

There is apparently a bug in the program or do I something wrong ?

Thank you.

mmmh, i dont know, im not an expert with this.

but in the roaming-folder are other files/folders as in local-folder. perhaps you need only one for the profile-cleaning? (and one for your portable)

maybe can another forums-user help more as i can :-)

perhaps without " rblc01uk.default" at the end of the path...


As I said in my post i tried this. The result for the 2 first locations was simply reserved.

The user profile used by Waterfox is in location 2, but I think that all or part of the cache is also in location 1; the name of the profile being the same.

I could finally clean the locations with the function "include", but I found this:

as soon as you add locations via "include" or an "ini" file in the program (CCleaner.ini, winapp2.ini) the trash icon no longer empties!!

I'm under Win 8.1 64x.

For info, if you immediately do a second cleaning, the trash is finally emptied!