Adding Defraggler to run in a script


I'm looking at inserting whatever parameters I would need into a batch script that when run, runs a bunch of process matching records using a vendor matching software. The defraggler part would run at the END of the script so it could defrag the drive where the process matching was done. What parameters would I need to place in the batch script refering to starting a run of defraggler on that particular drive? Thanks for any advice.



I'm looking at inserting whatever parameters I would need into a batch script that when run, runs a bunch of process matching records using a vendor matching software. The defraggler part would run at the END of the script so it could defrag the drive where the process matching was done. What parameters would I need to place in the batch script refering to starting a run of defraggler on that particular drive? Thanks for any advice.


Hello drpat,

"df.exe <driveletter>:" would be the proper syntax. ie df.exe C:

This may also help you in the future: Piriform Docs

Hello drpat,

"df.exe <driveletter>:" would be the proper syntax. ie df.exe C:

This may also help you in the future: Piriform Docs

Ah Ok. That is what I thought, but thought it was too...simple. Duh! Thanks a bunch. It would I presume run as a background process not bringing up the gui or anything? For my purposes I would putting this at the end of the patch run script (well that is a vendor contractor would be doing this)...

df.exe E:\ISI\client_files\XXX_XXX\data\InputFiles\

Or if I just wanted to do the entire ISI directory on E...

df.exe E:\ISI\


Ah Ok. That is what I thought, but thought it was too...simple. Duh! Thanks a bunch. It would I presume run as a background process not bringing up the gui or anything? For my purposes I would putting this at the end of the patch run script (well that is a vendor contractor would be doing this)...

df.exe E:\ISI\client_files\XXX_XXX\data\InputFiles\

Or if I just wanted to do the entire ISI directory on E...

df.exe E:\ISI\


Correct, that would defrag the entire ISI directory and correct it would run the program without the GUI. Below is a sample batch file (that would work on my computer, program locations might be different for you) that would list all the drives available to defrag:

@echo on"c:\program files\defraggler\df.exe" /l

Correct, that would defrag the entire ISI directory and correct it would run the program without the GUI. Below is a sample batch file (that would work on my computer, program locations might be different for you) that would list all the drives available to defrag:

@echo on"c:\program files\defraggler\df.exe" /l

Much obliged! You've saved the day! Thanks :)


Much obliged! You've saved the day! Thanks :)


No problem. That batch file is really simple and probably not optimized to most standards like turning @echo off but I was just trying to give an example. I wish you good luck! Take care