Hi ive been using ccleaner for almost a year now and i really like the app thought i pitch some ideas about other cleaning options for applications i use
Yeah i saw that after i posted saw the winapp2.ini the lines on DC++ could use an update however since we store settings on default in appdata these days ("im apart of Direct Connect Development")
we did a small blogpost about how the new settings work for DC++ 0.7x incase the person maintaining winapp2.ini wanna update according to how its done now
This should work with both x64 and x86 versions of DC++ if CCleaner can check 2 diffrent locations to detect if DC++ is installed this could easily change to any direct connect mod also like strongdc++ and apexdc++ that uses the same structure but i think they use %USERPROFILE% instead of %APPDATA%
i'll try and do a small list for the derivatives of DC++ like RSX++ ApexDC++ StrongDC++ etc since the use almost the same way of storing information since this might interest people that use the application if it ends up in ccleaner or winapp2.ini list here on the forum doesn't really matter its all good
btw ive had some problems loading winapp2.ini any issues with that for others ?
since i should just place the file at installed ccleaner location on harddrive