Add or Remove programs control panel issue.

The "add or remove programs" control panel in windows xp pro now takes a long time to launch since installing and using CCleaner. More than a minute usually. Has anyone else had this issue and is there a fix?

The "add or remove programs" control panel in windows xp pro now takes a long time to launch since installing and using CCleaner. More than a minute usually. Has anyone else had this issue and is there a fix?

When I was using Windows XP, I do remember a point where My Computer I think was very slow to launch. I suspected it was due to lack of maintenance but it passed by eventually and at some point it wasn't that slow anymore. I suggest you first do all maintenance tasks like disk cleanup, check disk and defrag.

If you have not made any backups of registry cleanups you made if you did any, please try doing system restore. That will hopefully restore damaged registry entries if there are any. Make sure to restore it to a point before you installed and run CCleaner and before the control panel went nuts. If this does not resolve the issue, this may not be the work of CCleaner.

It has to populate the list of installed programs. Something in CCleaner and many other cleaning tools can wipe out that population or cache or whatever it is which causes it to take longer to load. Personally I'd just use Revo Uninstaller!