Hello all,
I'm looking for assistance in adding the CCleaner 16x16.ico to the Recycle Bin Context Menu.
I've done this before for other entries but cannot seem to find the right Regedit path for this one.
Hello all,
I'm looking for assistance in adding the CCleaner 16x16.ico to the Recycle Bin Context Menu.
I've done this before for other entries but cannot seem to find the right Regedit path for this one.
That makes allot of sense and it would be nice if they'd add that in by default into a future version! Maybe something for version 6.
I decided to take on the task myself.
If anyone wants to add icons to their CCleaner program, I've included the registry keys and icon freely.
Step 1) UnRaR the files to your Desktop
Step 2) Copy the icon file name: "Open CCleaner....ico" to the folder: C:\Program Files\CCleaner
Step 3) Right-click the "Open CCleaner....ico" and select Hidden (so you don't accidentally delete it)
Step 4) Add the registry keys to Windows
You will now have icons for CCleaner in your context menu when right-clicking on the Recycle Bin.
I also strongly suggest making a System Restore Point!
Hi @bandit12345& @Andavari I also feel as though the icons should be displayed in the Recycle Bin's Context Menu by default so I'll send this feedback directly over to our product team, as a suggestion.
Also, thanks @bandit12345 for posting the workaround/registry fix.