Hi All. I am running CCleaner v3.06 - normal free version. I want CCleaner to delete a folder which is located in a user folder. The user folder I want deleted is %UserProfile%\AppData\OpenText\DM\Temp.
In the CCleaner .inf file I have added the switch "Include1=%UserProfile%\AppData\OpenText\DM\Temp" - which is not working.
See the attached file for clarification. Thank You! ![:rolleyes:]()
Is there a particular reason you're using CCleaner v3.06? That version is long outdated.
1. You can add folders/files to remove in 'Options > Include'
2. You then have to look under 'Cleaner (broom icon) > Windows (tab) > Advanced' and tick the box 'Custom Files and Folders' in order for it to work.
Of course click the 'Analyze' button first to make sure you inputted everything correctly before committing to cleaning after adding that folder.