Add a new feature - Notification Icon Cache Cleanup


I was wondering if you could add a feature on CCleaner for cleaning up notification area icon cache,

I have a VB script that cleans the icon cache, but I want to be in one simple software.

then, one click will do everything I need.

Also, I am a boarder of a school and those help-desk (laptop maintenance/technician) in my school

check our laptops randomly and I don't want them to see what I was doing.

Thank you in advance :)




I was wondering if you could add a feature on CCleaner for cleaning up notification area icon cache,

I have a VB script that cleans the icon cache, but I want to be in one simple software.

then, one click will do everything I need.

Also, I am a boarder of a school and those help-desk (laptop maintenance/technician) in my school

check our laptops randomly and I don't want them to see what I was doing.

Thank you in advance :)


Hi Eric,

Thanks for your post in the Lounge also.

Take a look at Cleaner > Windows tab > Advanced cleaning list I think you will find what you are looking for.

Best wishes,

:) davey

CCleaner Beginner's Bookmark and save to Favorites

Hi Eric,

Thanks for your post in the Lounge also.

Take a look at Cleaner > Windows tab > Advanced cleaning list I think you will find what you are looking for.

Best wishes,

:) davey

CCleaner Beginner's Bookmark and save to Favorites

Hi davey,

Oh, it was my mistake yeah I can see the option but it is not cleaning my icon cache at all for some reason.

The attatchment was the result of 'tick' on the option. But the VB script I have works, it closes explorer and

performs cleanup and restarts explorer process again and boom, they are gone.

Do you think there's something wrong with my computer? I also tried restarting the computer but found no luck.

Maybe, adding another option to that 'icon cache' option to close explorer and restart again for immediate result?


Hi davey,

Oh, it was my mistake yeah I can see the option but it is not cleaning my icon cache at all for some reason.

The attatchment was the result of 'tick' on the option. But the VB script I have works, it closes explorer and

performs cleanup and restarts explorer process again and boom, they are gone.

Do you think there's something wrong with my computer? I also tried restarting the computer but found no luck.

Maybe, adding another option to that 'icon cache' option to close explorer and restart again for immediate result?


Yes, the turning off and back on of Windows Explorer is required. See Cleaner Information in the Beginners guide.

You may have the same VB script I use also.

:) davey

P.S. I misunderstood your reason for doing this. A word to the wise. There are more than one way to skin a cat. This also holds true for monitoring PCs. Stick to the rules or you will get caught. :o

You'll also sometimes have to restart your computer multiple times to get any new settings you place upon Customize Notifications icons to stick.