Ad-Aware SE

Hi all I have a problem with ad-aware myself.during a scan it gets to this one place and freezes C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AAWTMP\C9863724,I have deleted this from the folder but it comes right back when I start the scan again.any suggestions,I have unistalled and Installed 2or3 times that didn't do no good. remember I that I am not to smart on these be easy with me,thanks for your help.

Try cleaning the temp folder with CCleaner and rebooting then scan again.

I have deleted this from the folder but it comes right back when I start the scan again.

Try cleaning the temp folder with CCleaner and rebooting then scan again.

englishmen, please read the user's posts in full. See the above quote.

Hi all I have a problem with ad-aware myself.during a scan it gets to this one place and freezes C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AAWTMP\C9863724,I have deleted this from the folder but it comes right back when I start the scan again.any suggestions,I have unistalled and Installed 2or3 times that didn't do no good. remember I that I am not to smart on these be easy with me,thanks for your help.

You may wish to disable any running antivirus temporarily while you scan with Ad-Aware. They can cause this common freeze. The freeze is because your AV and AAW are fighting for control of this area.

Whenever expanding/extracting an archive (any archive, not just quarantined files), Ad-Aware extracts the files to %TEMP%\AAWTMP\RANDOM-NAME\files. This folder is created during the scan and removed upon completing the scan. (Note: the RANDOM-NAME reference is to a somewhat randomly named folder under AAWTMP making it less susceptible to interference during the scan from other 'malware/software.')

This structure is often interferred with by other real-time monitoring software, like NAV, McAfee, etc. The interference occurs when a file is extracted to the AAWTMP (folders). If the extracted file is also an archive, it needs to be extracted again. This can be a recursive loop. Now, the antivirus tries to do the same. Each process wants control of the files that are extracted. Unfortunately, both can't always win.

AV scans and Ad-Aware scans are separate processes which should not interact with each other (for the reasons above).

The solution many use, is to Exclude the C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AAWTMP\*.* directory and sub-folders from getting scanned by the antivirus realtime monitoring software or temporarily disable any running antivirus while you scan. This improves the Ad-Aware SE performance greatly, and avoids the conflicts with the antivirus software.

Hope this helps!

Thanks Tarun, but that didn't work,I think I will upgrade to Windows XP but before I do, answer this for me, when I upgrade will they take everything of ME out of my system and thereby making my computer almost back to factor settings.

englishmen, please read the user's posts in full. See the above quote.

You may wish to disable any running antivirus temporarily while you scan with Ad-Aware. They can cause this common freeze. The freeze is because your AV and AAW are fighting for control of this area.

Whenever expanding/extracting an archive (any archive, not just quarantined files), Ad-Aware extracts the files to %TEMP%\AAWTMP\RANDOM-NAME\files. This folder is created during the scan and removed upon completing the scan. (Note: the RANDOM-NAME reference is to a somewhat randomly named folder under AAWTMP making it less susceptible to interference during the scan from other 'malware/software.')

This structure is often interferred with by other real-time monitoring software, like NAV, McAfee, etc. The interference occurs when a file is extracted to the AAWTMP (folders). If the extracted file is also an archive, it needs to be extracted again. This can be a recursive loop. Now, the antivirus tries to do the same. Each process wants control of the files that are extracted. Unfortunately, both can't always win.

AV scans and Ad-Aware scans are separate processes which should not interact with each other (for the reasons above).

The solution many use, is to Exclude the C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AAWTMP\*.* directory and sub-folders from getting scanned by the antivirus realtime monitoring software or temporarily disable any running antivirus while you scan. This improves the Ad-Aware SE performance greatly, and avoids the conflicts with the antivirus software.

Hope this helps!

Thanks Tarun, but that didn't work,I think I will upgrade to Windows XP but before I do, answer this for me, when I upgrade will they take everything of ME out of my system and thereby making my computer almost back to factor settings.

I did further research after this post. Did you try Safe Mode?

When you upgrade to XP you have numerous options to choose from. I generally do a clean install. It's often for the best.

Yeah I tryed Safe Mode Maybe a new Dell will do the Job,Hey everyone send Money to South Carolina (LOL)Thanks Tarun

I did further research after this post. Did you try Safe Mode?

When you upgrade to XP you have numerous options to choose from. I generally do a clean install. It's often for the best.

Tarun I do not want to start another one of our heated discussions but i did read the post and "I have deleted this from the folder but it comes right back when I start the scan again." to me is not saying he rebooted after cleaning?

Tarun I do not want to start another one of our heated discussions but i did read the post and "I have deleted this from the folder but it comes right back when I start the scan again." to me is not saying he rebooted after cleaning?

It shows you're not reading, as the answer was provided in my post. Ad-Aware recreates that folder as needed.

I may be having one of :blink: days but by saying "englishmen, please read the user's posts in full. See the above quote." i thought you was implying he had mentioned he had already tried that. Which by saying "I have deleted this from the folder but it comes right back when I start the scan again." is not really saying he had rebooted after cleaning is it?