Ad-Aware SE updtaes

I have not had a definitions update for Ad-Aware SE in over 3 weeks. SE1R210 27.12.2007 is the last update I received. Has anybody been able to update since than?

I had the same problem. You can manually download the updated definition file here:

I'm not using Ad-Aware 2007. I am still using 1.06r1 Personal.

It's not getting updates because Lavasoft has discontinued the program. I guess it's time to remove it but from reading the forums that has been a problem for many to do. I won't be installing the new version.

I won't be installing the new version.

I had used Ad-Aware since it's humble beginnings, however I didn't care for the new version much myself and won't use it either.

I'm not using Ad-Aware 2007. I am still using 1.06r1 Personal.

Same here, I wouldn't touch the 2007 version with a barge pole.

The SE definitions ARE available at the above link.

* duplicate post *

I had used Ad-Aware since it's humble beginnings, however I didn't care for the new version much myself and won't use it either.

Hi Andavari,

Do you recommend an alternative to Ad-Aware, or is having Spyware Blaster, Spybot, AVG Free Edition and SuperAntiSpyware sufficient?

I use Adaware professional 1.06 r1.

I have just downloaded update "SE1R213" Dated 14.01.08

Maybe its different with the pro version?

I didn't care for the new version much myself and won't use it either.

Same here. I have tried it, but didn't like it.

Same here, I wouldn't touch the 2007 version with a barge pole.

The SE definitions ARE available at the above link.

That is a manual download of the defs. From reading the Lavasoft forums I get the impression that the manual download will be discontinued as well eventually.

That is a manual download of the defs. From reading the Lavasoft I get the impression that the manual download will be discontinued as well eventually.

When that happens, I will be uninstalling it and won't be upgrading to the 2007 version.

What are you planning to use in its place?

When that happens, I will be uninstalling it and won't be upgrading to the 2007 version.

What are you planning to use in its place?

I already have Superantispyware, AVG AS, Spybot S&D, and a-squared so I won't be replacing it with anything. I guess I will keep it until they stop providing manual downloads of the updates.

I already have Superantispyware, AVG AS, Spybot S&D, and a-squared so I won't be replacing it with anything. I guess I will keep it until they stop providing manual downloads of the updates.

I haven't ever used Superantispyware or a-squared before - are they any good?

I haven't ever used Superantispyware or a-squared before - are they any good?

They are highly regarded especially SAS. I don't get malware so they don't really get put to the test with me ;). They are easy to use and have caused me no problems with scanning or updating. A-Squared went through a period in the summer where it was updating the program (not the definitions) all most like 3 times a week and I didn't like that. That was because they upgraded to version 3 and they were working the bugs out. I felt they should have worked those bugs out before they released it but that has been worked out and it's fine now.

They are highly regarded especially SAS. I don't get malware so they don't really get put to the test with me ;). They are easy to use and have caused me no problems with scanning or updating. A-Squared went through a period in the summer where it was updating the program (not the definitions) all most like 3 times a week and I didn't like that. That was because they upgraded to version 3 and they were working the bugs out. I felt they should have worked those bugs out before they released it but that has been worked out and it's fine now.

Thanks for the info - I'll certainly be checking SAS out then - I have plenty of antispyware software but it's nice to be able to try others out every so often.

did not like new went back to old up date #1 Time & Date check #2 check Fire wall not stop #3 stop all till all up date is download if not work big job take off clean out all refit :rolleyes: :rolleyes:Got Update for Ad-aware SE 3 day a go 8 March 2008

0059.0000 = Ad-Aware 2007


SE1R227 =Ad-Aware SE


SE Update

Ad-aware SE Reference File SE1R240 21.04.2008 | Free Reference file update for Ad-aware SE (Ad-ware SE)


I haven't use Ad-Aware yet, but I face same problem when using Adware Alert from www.**********, and this is really a bad one..




I haven't use Ad-Aware yet, but I face same problem when using Adware Alert from...

Best not to post the address of a dodgy anti-spyware site

Best not to post the address of a dodgy anti-spyware site

okayzz.. i don't read this while registering
