Active X

Hey CCleaner Forum.I just downloaded CCleaner and just registered here.I'm a beginner at CC and had a question about Active X.Under Active X/COMIssue it shows CounterSpy one of my anti-spyware programs.Are these remnants of older versions?

Thanks for any help

Hey CCleaner Forum.I just downloaded CCleaner and just registered here.I'm a beginner at CC and had a question about Active X.Under Active X/COMIssue it shows CounterSpy one of my anti-spyware programs.Are these remnants of older versions?

Thanks for any help

Probably. Have you uninstalled CounterSpy? If not can you post a screen shot please? :)

LocalServer\C:\ProgramFiles\SunbeltSoftware\CounterSpyClient\sunasDTServ.exe (23 listings)

Under Installer Reference Issue:C:\ProgramFiles\SunbeltSoftware\CounterSpyClient

And yes I have had to uninstall and reinstall this program a couple of times last year


It's impossible for us to know what's happening without a screenshot that shows the listing of issues.

It's impossible for us to know what's happening without a screenshot that shows the listing of issues.

I'm not sure how to screenshot the results using windows xp.I've been trying but coming up blank.


hold shift and press print screen or pnt scn or something of the such.

that takes a snapshot of your whole screen.

to capture only the current window, hold ctrl+alt and press print screen.

then go into paint and right click and paste the picture in then save it.

upload it somewhere such as

Thanks for the help!

Duane uses IMG tags which causes an error here saying they are not allowed

Hello Blue,

When you do file >save as >in paint make sure you save it as a .jpg

Go to imageshack, click browse, find file, and then click host it.

In the options given, click once in the 2nd one.

This will highlight the text. Right-click on the highlighted text and chose copy.

Come back to your post in the forum message box and click paste.

It doesn't matter which format it's in, as long as it's ImageShack compatible ( and *.bmps and *.jpgs are some). The forum allows image tags, just write it like this:

[img=your image url here]

Also, you could just attach it.

Thanks,I think it came out right.As long as you click the image twice to enlarge it.

Difficult to tell exactly why it's detecting it. Just make sure when you fix the issues that you do the backup when the dialog pops up, save the backup in My Documents so that you know where it is should you need to restore it immediately. To restore the backup just double click it, depending upon if your program has real-time protection you may need to log off and logon again.

Not to nitpick (well maybe just a tad bit), the next time you post a screenshot save as .PNG or .JPG because the .GIF image is low in quality and difficult to see small text.

Thanks again for your help.Obviously I'm not great at Apps.I'm the anti-malware,keep the PC running correctly guy in the house.I try to clean and remove the baddies my wife and kids pick up.Believe it or not I'm actually getting better at Apps.Now I know how to do screenshots(though my last post doesn't exactly show it!).Thanks for your patience.
