active montioring can not be disabled

Hi , since update to version 5.45.6611 when you uncheck active monitoring you have to restart computer to stop monitoring but after that if you click on C-Cleaner to open it then active monitoring re activates on it own ?????????????????????????????????? so no way to stop active monitoring and still use C- Cleaner with latest version if you uncheck it again and restart system then click on C-Cleaner then check active monitoring it is checked again by itself , thoughts ? probably roll back to older version ? thanks.

This is a know issue with this build.

Devs are aware but have not made any comment.

Hi, hazelnut, I found this on C Cleaner change log maybe has something to do with active monitoring not being able to disable ?

C Cleaner.PNG

It could well be, but unless the Devs tell us anything we are as much in the dark as you are about this.

so I guess they are monitoring our computers and sending reports every 12 hours if we use this version of C Cleaner, I think there is way to many programs tracking our computers now , we don't need this one plus it is using resources on startup because it can't be disabled, I am rolling back to older version, just like last month when they forced pop up ads for pro version.

rolled back to previous version , now active monitoring can be disabled and stays disabled

Roll it back and find another cleaner.. Avast will ruin this one.

The whole point of CCleaner to me is to make my system cleaner and leaner and not to introduce yet another program which constantly runs in the background.

I hope that it is only a bug and not a feature.

So what I do for now is I install it, clean up some stuff and then deinstall it again. Installing/deinstalling only takes a few seconds.


for being released on tuesday and reports of issues since then - there doesn't seem to be much of a rush to get this issue resolved. i've already rolled back to an ancient version. i LIKED this product in the past - have used it for years, but recently have started seeking a replacement. If not resolved soon, it'll be an after-thought. Too bad, as it's been a great product in the past.

47 minutes ago, mitchkenn said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		for being released on tuesday and reports of issues since then - there doesn't seem to be much of a rush to get this issue resolved. i've already rolled back to an ancient version. i LIKED this product in the past - have used it for years, but recently have started seeking a replacement.<strong> If not resolved soon, it'll be an after-thought.</strong> Too bad, as it's been a great product in the past. 


Having same problem--cannot disable active monitoring. Eagerly awaiting a fix.


14 minutes ago, jsefran said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Having same problem--cannot disable active monitoring. Eagerly awaiting a fix.


question remains, when will a fix appear (or will a fix appear)?

still no word (that we have heard) from above.

On 27/07/2018 at 15:59, codybear1997 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		so I guess they are monitoring our computers and sending reports every 12 hours if we use this version of C Cleaner, I think there is way to many programs tracking our computers now , we don't need this one plus it is using resources on startup because it can't be disabled, I am rolling back to older version, just like last month when they forced pop up ads for pro version.

As a Pro versi8on user having this sort of thing foist on us with no way to opt out is entirely unacceptable. To have a control to turn this off which does NOT work is simply rubbing salt into the wound.

problem seems to be fixed with 6575 build , thanks.

No--I am on build 6611 (64 bit) and it is not fixed, although I understand they are working on it.

Hi , I am on build 6575 from file hippo and the active monitoring is fixed .

6575 build.PNG

here is the list of builds .

C-Cleaner builds.PNG

the Active Monitoring feature was only an issue with v5.45, v5.44 did not have that problem. (although there were others)

I concur entirely with mta. It is my v. 5.45 (build 6611) that is problematic. You can uncheck active monitoring under "options," but it returns nevertheless.
