January 8, 2011, 11:34am
sorry i'm french and i don't writte english very well
i used recuva, i choose my file, i do recover
when it's finish i have a message : x file recove but x file don't recove and with the file's name acces denied
please help me i delete my pro doc
thank you
What version of windows are you running??
What device i.e. USB flash drive, internal hard drive, are you recovering from??
Richard S.
January 8, 2011, 3:13pm
For the file that has 'Access Denied' look at the Info panel (in Recuva Advanced view). Does it have a size but no cluster numbers listed? If so then I don't think it can be recovered.
I have the same problem but I do have sectors number:
For example:
Path: D:\?
Size: 492 KB (503.318)
State: Excellent
Creation time: 28/12/2010 12:47
Last modification time: 07/06/2010 15:44
Last access time: 13/10/2010 11:05
Comment: No overwritten clusters detected.
123 cluster(s) allocated at offset 775593