When the file "Defraggler.ini" is read only, it will not be load. That is the different with CCleaner and Recuva.
When the file "Defraggler.ini" is read only, it will not be load. That is the different with CCleaner and Recuva.
What? I'm failing to follow. Do you have your .ini file set as read only for some reason?
CCleaner and Recuva, I can copy them to my portable devices (CD, USB disk set write-protected) with .ini file and work well.
But Defraggler not.
What? I'm failing to follow. Do you have your .ini file set as read only for some reason?
I mean, I wrote an .ini file in my harddisk, than copy all files in Defraggler folder to my CD or USB disk.
CCleaner and Recuva work well based on above Operation.
Right click on the .ini file >> Properties. Then uncheck the "read only" checkbox.
Right click on the .ini file >> Properties. Then uncheck the "read only" checkbox.
Will work on CD if I copy Defraggler's folder to my tools CD? I don't think so.
Or a USB stick that has a physical readonly-switch (yeah, they're quite rare, but I found one). Very handy for fixing someone's pc without having to be afarid of a virus infecting my stick