Abnormal extension Stillwater-Cottage2b


After analysis of the registry CCleaner informed me that:

Abnormal extension
.---Stillwater-Cottage2b	HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.---Stillwater-Cottage2b

The entry can be removed but I wondered whether is not caused by a pest. On the Internet, there is nothing about this format. Maybe you know something about .---Stillwater-Cottage2b?

May be an idea to follow the steps outlined here to make sure your system is clean


There are many hits for Stiillwater Cottage on Google. You usually get these funny file extensions when you open a file which has no default extension, or even no extension at all. I used to have quite a few but CC 'fixed' the lot, with no deleterious effect at all.

I found a file on disk:


and surely he has something to do with it, but it is strange that the file name is treated as an extension. Possible that it caused by dots in name.

Possible that it caused by dots in name.

That's possible with Windows allowing filenames like that, even more silly and a major gripe that Windows automatically adds completely useless file extensions into the registry when no application is registered to open them.

I found a file on disk:


and surely he has something to do with it, but it is strange that the file name is treated as an extension. Possible that it caused by dots in name.

Have a look here ... http://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/196935/ ... mouse over the top right in the set of four, down the page ... 'T.K. - Stillwater Cottage'. Look familiar ?!

Yes, i have this image from this site. I didn't know before that this "problem" is due from image name.

Ah ... I thought from the tone of the thread the source was a bit of a mystery ;)

That's an unusual picture for desktop wallpaper :)

Did you remove the registry entry with CCleaner?