A tradegy

I see on the news this morning that she passed away yesterday:


I have skied many times at Mont Tremblant and have many good memories about it as that is where I learned to ski.

The ski instructor that I had was Swiss if I remember and on the last day we had a lunch a the top in the restaurant with hot chocolate, baguettes and cheese accompanied with what he called "Turn oil" that was wine that loosened us up and made us able to turn easier.

I see on the news this morning that she passed away yesterday:


I have skied many times at Mont Tremblant and have many good memories about it as that is where I learned to ski.

The ski instructor that I had was Swiss if I remember and on the last day we had a lunch a the top in the restaurant with hot chocolate, baguettes and cheese accompanied with what he called "Turn oil" that was wine that loosened us up and made us able to turn easier.

RIP free-sad-smileys-730[1].gif

I have read it in Yahoo News this morning

I heard about the accident on the news, but didn't know she had passed away until reading this thread. It's really sad here two children are now without their mother, and at such a young age.