A Review of the Best Robots of 2008

A Review of the Best Robots of 2008

Robot innovation continued its relentless advances during 2008. In this post we would like to showcase some of our favorite robots and robot videos of the last year or so. This review is heavily slanted to consumer robots and research robots.


hazelnut mentioned ?Big Dog? in http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=18565

Great selection here. Some of them are scary, they have such 'human like' movements and gestures.

I still think Big Dog is my favourite.

What no U.S. presidential candidates are listed, they were like robots in '08 saying the same stuff over and over like it was hard coded. :P

What no U.S. presidential candidates are listed, they were like robots in '08 saying the same stuff over and over like it was hard coded. :P

Here in Canada we had a popular TV program called The Royal Canadian Air Farce that depicted our current PM as an automaton that was hilarious.

I wonder if Super Bowl 43 will have more viewers than today's Inauguration?

I wonder if Super Bowl 43 will have more viewers than today's Inauguration?

Dunno but American football puts me to sleep, I'd rather watch paint dry.

Dunno but American football puts me to sleep, I'd rather watch paint dry.

Just for you Andavari :)


I'll have to watch that while everyone else is into the Super Bowl - or just play some music, or video games.