A question for Luna Element 4

After installing the Luna Element 4 visual theme.. why is my friend having problem applying the theme? He got this message 'The visual styles could not be loaded because the file failed to load' although he replaced the uxtheme.dll!

These were the procedures

Extract the uxtheme.dll file to your desktop.

Restart in Safe Mode,

Navigate to C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache, rename uxtheme.dll to uxtheme.dll.bak,

Then copy the uxtheme.dll that is on your desktop and paste it into C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache.

Then Navigate to C:\WINDOWS\system32, rename uxtheme.dll to uxtheme.dll.bak,

Then paste the uxtheme.dll into C:\WINDOWS\system32.

Restart the computer.

This may be a long shot but it's possible the Themes sevice is set to disabled.


Some sites recommend the Themes service be set to Disabled as a tweak to improve PC performance. The default XP theme will still work but modified themes won't.

If that's not it you could search the CCleaner Forums for "uxtheme.dll" there's quite a bit of advice and discussion about it.

Good Luck!

Those instructions that yo got were from CapMan, right? if so, they worked for me, may I ask where did you geth the uxtheme file from, or was it included in the instructions, if so could you navigate me to it...

I think so.. well they worked for me too! Those instructions were in the .zip along with uxtheme.dll, but when i sent him the .dll I took it from my system and gave him. I don't have the .zip file anymore.

Ah, nice after seeing this thread, I just disabled the Theme thing from Services. :)

Where did you get the zip from?

i think when i used that theme i had a program that applied it for me.

Ahh i can't recall that but i remember getting the link of that site from one of the threads here but dont know which one. Anyways, did a lil search and found this http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=308905

If anyone has used it, does it work completely without giving any errors? Maybe i can give that link to my friend as well.

Yep, I believe that was the program I used for installing the theme and then i went into properties and it was there.