a Newbie's question...Can't download ccleaner professional from website

I bought my ccleaner professional version at a retail store. It comes on CD. The version I bought entitles me to unlimited PC's.

I have loaded it on to PC's that have a CD drive but now I want it on my Microsoft Surface Pro3 tablet that has no CD drive.

How do I get a version from the website downloaded to load on to a windows tablet that has no CD without paying again or having to buy a CD drive!

I have tried and can't find a way to do this.

Second question: how do I get an account. It seems that when trying to get an account, I am asked for my email address that was used at purchase time. I gave no email address as I was not asked for it. I think this request for email address happens if the ccleaner was purchased online. I bought my version at a retail store and no email address was requested!

Without an account, I can't get in touch with Piriform to pursue my query(s) further.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


as to your first question, on a PC with a CD unit, copy the contents of the CD onto a USB stick.

that stick then goes into the Surface Pro and the software installed from that.