A Great Reason why not to have Auto Update programs

Firefox 5 is now the poster boy for all that's wrong with slip-stream, blink and you missed it, auto-updating software. I just don't get it; this hands-free approach has been, in other instances, a real boon for me.


ESP with CCleaner where many users are small IT professionals (their business is small, not necessaraly the Professional themself) an autoupdate could messup a users whole setup without chance to redeem the issue

People have different ideas about the usefulness of auto-updates. For many folk they are needed, they have no idea how to update things or sometimes where to go to even find an update.

I think you have to be an ordered person to have a non-update way of running things. I beta test things and I would hate my av for instance to update in the middle of a test I was doing, so when I turn on my machine I update my av, check things like any flash update reports, software I use update reports, as I have all updaters turned off.

It also gives me a chance to see how the updates went for others (cruel really !)

I would be very reluctant to use any software which doesn't allow me to turn the auto-update off. (skype springs to mind but that's another topic in itself) Sometimes an autoupdate can break something and if you didn't realise it had happened it can be hard to troubleshoot.

Auto Update is great for TV watching consumers who expect Digiguide to auto download the latest Television program listings.

It saves them having to know there is an Update button at the top of the display.

If a CCleaner user has a similar need for auto-update that user should not be trusted with a Tool that deletes files and keys.

Some products require a password when they are started.

Perhaps CCleaner could require the correct answer to a multi-choice question about deleting registry keys ! ! !

What planet?

I always like the option to choose, because while updates are generally trouble free, you do run into problems now & then.

Such as when Ad Block + developer & No Script were blocking each other out because NO Script wanted to display ads on his page, & the developer of Ad Block didn't want them displayed.

I am sure both authors never had a bad intent, but just goes to show you how blindly trusting someone to allow any and all updates to your PC can cause problems. You should never blindly trust anyone.

Always have a backup, just in case. Before you even think about allowing auto updates!