A few suggestions

Hi, all -

I have a few ideas about how Recuva could be made more helpful:

1) First, I agree with BobDrivesTruck - in the file listing, make the whole row selectable, not just the first column. It is frustrating for me to click in, say, the third column and have nothing happen. Maybe this could be an option or preference?

2) I'd like some way to select the files to recover using some kind of search or wildcard (regex?). For example, I might want to attempt to recover all files with a file extension of ".jpg" whose State="Excellent". As it stands now, I must manually select all of these files, and I do not even have a way to sort by file extension/type. Which brings me to:

3) Provide some way to sort files by file type/extension. Maybe add a new column for this, for files where the file extension can be recognized?

4) (Dare I dream?) Add into Recuva (or into a separate utility) the ability to recover not just files, but an entire partition/logical drive. This way, the next time my sister's boyfriend's idiot brother accidentally reformats her hard drive while surfing for pr0n on the Internet, I can use Recuva to recuva her drive for her.

2) I'd like some way to select the files to recover using some kind of search or wildcard (regex?). For example, I might want to attempt to recover all files with a file extension of ".jpg" whose State="Excellent". As it stands now, I must manually select all of these files, and I do not even have a way to sort by file extension/type. Which brings me to:

3) Provide some way to sort files by file type/extension. Maybe add a new column for this, for files where the file extension can be recognized?

Well, just type .jpg in the file name box to select all .jpg files. Then click on the State field to sort into excellent, etc. Then select as required.

As for 1, this doesn't bother me much. As for 4, phew! You want a time machine.
