A few long lasting questions

Why is the no drive with the letter B?

How do Mozilla make money seeing there are no adds on there site and firefox is free?

Why is Great Britain the best country in the world? forget this one i already know :P

Any one want to by 2 fish B) . Or they do is jump out of the tank all day

Why do celebrity etc always protest give us your money Africa needs it etc then fly back to there mansion in a helicopter or Bentley and don't give a penny of there cash?

How the hell to spiders make a web between different bushs etc? Do they jump, wind blow them or do they hook some web on a bit and let the wind carry it to another bush and bobs your uncle a new crib?

Why on earth am i asking a load of questions?

Why do the newspaper press spend thousands on zillion(not literally)mega pixel cameras when the pic are printed on crappy newspaper paper and look rubbish.

Why is Great Britain the best country in the world? forget this one i already know :P

Havent ever been to the US have you? :lol:

The B drive used to be assigned to the second floppy drive.

Is Great Britain still Great, I am not sure anymore.

Already have 2 fish, don't want anymore.

Good point about celeb's and poverty.

I have also often wondered that about spiders as well.

Why is Great Britain the best country in the world?

Why do the newspaper press spend thousands on zillion(not literally)mega pixel cameras when the pic are printed on crappy newspaper paper and look rubbish.

these two interest me, firstly, the only good thing about Britain is that it spawned Canada! that and Boddingtons of course.

and secondly, thats a really good point about cameras, on a side note, why would any normal person need more than a 3-4 megapixel camera, it clearly says that 4's are good enough to make large posters, how many of us use our cameras to make posters? honestly. i think i read somewhere that a 6-7 pixel camera is capable of making bilboards, come on...

Also, Canada was just rated the 2nd best place to live in the world, next to only Austrailia...i believe the US and UK were both out of the top 5, keep up the good work and you'll be back soon. lol :D

these two interest me, firstly, the only good thing about Britain is that it spawned Canada! that and Boddingtons of course.

and secondly, thats a really good point about cameras, on a side note, why would any normal person need more than a 3-4 megapixel camera, it clearly says that 4's are good enough to make large posters, how many of us use our cameras to make posters? honestly. i think i read somewhere that a 6-7 pixel camera is capable of making bilboards, come on...

Also, Canada was just rated the 2nd best place to live in the world, next to only Austrailia...i believe the US and UK were both out of the top 5, keep up the good work and you'll be back soon. lol :D

My mother told me that all Canadians talk slow so that their mouth can keep up to the speed of their brain, of course Newhotness I didn't believe her as she also told my brother to eat all his bread crusts as they would make his hair curl. He went bald!!! :rolleyes:

My mother told me that all Canadians talk slow so that their mouth can keep up to the speed of their brain, of course Newhotness I didn't believe her as she also told my brother to eat all his bread crusts as they would make his hair curl. He went bald!!! :rolleyes:

i no understand, you think me ugly cause i bald?? me soo slow :huh::unsure:

Why is the no drive with the letter B?
As above, for the second floppy drive, which I still had on my system till last year. In fact I had a dual unit with a 3.5 and a 5.25 floppy. The BIOS can switch which is A and which is B.

But that brings up the question - at one point I'm pretty sure you could have three floppy drives - in which case, what letter was the third one, you could not make it C: since it would conflict with too much default installations.

As above, for the second floppy drive, which I still had on my system till last year. In fact I had a dual unit with a 3.5 and a 5.25 floppy. The BIOS can switch which is A and which is B.

But that brings up the question - at one point I'm pretty sure you could have three floppy drives - in which case, what letter was the third one, you could not make it C: since it would conflict with too much default installations.

Download Tweak UI and you can pick any letter you want for your drives, from A to Z. Such as Drive:F...Drive:U...Drive:C...........well..you get the idea. :rolleyes:

Why is the no drive with the letter B?

My system has a B: drive listed however it's "invalid," with a red question mark, and can't be opened, virus scanned, chkdsk, etc., so perhaps it's the utility partition on my disk, however I don't really know. I just hide it with MS Tweak UI.

Why is Great Britain the best country in the world? forget this one i already know :P

Perhaps it's those motor vehicles:

Aston Martin (oh yeah DB9), Bently, Jaguar, Lotus, Mini, Noble, Triumph, etc.

Perhaps it's those awesome autoshows now being shown in the U.S.A. with a European twist that makes autoshows in the U.S.A. look cheap and silly:

Fifth Gear, Top Gear

Perhaps it's because of British comedy.

Any one want to by 2 fish B

Um, no. I don't consume fish anymore after nearly chocking to death on a bone whilst my cousin was sitting in the chair next to me hysterically laughing to the point where his face colour was starting to change as mine already was, thanks to my aunt I survived.

Why do celebrity etc always protest give us your money Africa needs it etc then fly back to there mansion in a helicopter or Bentley and don't give a penny of there cash?

I think the richer people get the more money they want, and the poorer everyone else gets makes the rich richer. Just my take on it.

How the hell to spiders make a web between different bushs etc? Do they jump, wind blow them or do they hook some web on a bit and let the wind carry it to another bush and bobs your uncle a new crib?

Ask your friendly superhero Spider-Man, he's all over the web.

Why on earth am i asking a load of questions?

We're on Earth?

Why do the newspaper press spend thousands on zillion(not literally)mega pixel cameras when the pic are printed on crappy newspaper paper and look rubbish.

Because someday they may find a bundle of "good" paper.

Because someday they may find a bundle of "good" paper.

lol, i can just picture the headlines now...

anyway, about the drive letter changes, if it bothers anyone that much, why not just use the built in windows utility ... i think its called Disk Management, its in the adminstrator tools section of the control panel. just right click the drive and select "change drive letter", best to do asap after an instal so as to not disturb to many links...as it warns you before changing the letter

anyway, about the drive letter changes, if it bothers anyone that much, why not just use the built in windows utility ... i think its called Disk Management, its in the adminstrator tools section of the control panel.? just right click the drive and select "change drive letter", best to do asap after an instal so as to not disturb to many links...as it warns you before changing the letter

It doesn't even have display the drive letter in that utility. The small partition size 39 MB pretty much makes me think it is the utilities partition containing Dell's OEM utilities that I don't even like since there's better freeware and open source programs to check system integrity.

The only info it has is:

How the hell to spiders make a web between different bushs etc? Do they jump, wind blow them or do they hook some web on a bit and let the wind carry it to another bush and bobs your uncle a new crib?

Answer #1 my guesss would be when they are making out (George and Laura, not the spiders)

Answer #2 They created one worldwide, spanning two bushes is child's play

Some questions I've pondered

Does anybody really know what time it is?

Does anybody really care?

Can fat people go skinny dipping?

How many rats does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

How did they get in there?

Why does Hawaii have interstate highways?

How the hell to spiders make a web between different bushs etc? Do they jump, wind blow them or do they hook some web on a bit and let the wind carry it to another bush and bobs your uncle a new crib?

Answer #1 my guesss would be when they are making out (George and Laura, not the spiders)

Answer #2 They created one worldwide, spanning two bushes is child's play

Some questions I've pondered

Does anybody really know what time it is?

Does anybody really care?

Can fat people go skinny dipping?

How many rats does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

How did they get in there?

Why does Hawaii have interstate highways?

Why does the DRIVE-UP ATM at my bank have Braille buttons?

Why does the DRIVE-UP ATM at my bank have Braille buttons?


I guess the same reason a sign where I worked had braille on the sign for the fire alarm control room...

Our industrial trash compactor had a sign that said "Do Not Occupy" I knew someone who lived in a trash compactor, he always had the feeling the walls were closing in on him. :huh:

wait wait wait... britain may be good for making canada but...

(forgive the caps but its a must)


and which ever poll you read that placed canada at number 1, and ausy in number 2 was obviously wrong as no self-respecting non-french human being would want to live there.

ok all you french people im sorry *cough* that your french *cough*

wait wait wait... britain may be good for making canada but...

(forgive the caps but its a must)


and which ever poll you read that placed canada at number 1, and ausy in number 2 was obviously wrong as no self-respecting non-french human being would want to live there.

ok all you french people im sorry *cough* that your french *cough*

Talk about envy...where you from mate? As for the French bashing, not that i'm one to shower them in praise or anything, but whats your beef with them?did a french girl turn you down? and fyi, maybe you should get your history right before ranting about such stupid inaccuracies. check out this link for further details


About us being number 1 and the aussies #2, maybe if visited these fine places you'd see why.

B: used to be for old floppy disks when you had 2 floppy devices. Common in the day when you had 3? and the big old 5? floppy that was big like a CD and contained like 512 kb or so.

About Mozilla I dont know for sure, but maybe sponsorships, donations and fund raisers. The FOSS community has some ways to get money.

People who run a serious newspaper of course needs professional equipment. Many of those newspapers also have online editions.

If they didnt use good cameras, people would wonder why they use cheap cameras. :P

If they didnt use good cameras, people would wonder why they use cheap cameras. :P