Why is the no drive with the letter B?
My system has a B: drive listed however it's "invalid," with a red question mark, and can't be opened, virus scanned, chkdsk, etc., so perhaps it's the utility partition on my disk, however I don't really know. I just hide it with MS Tweak UI.
Why is Great Britain the best country in the world? forget this one i already know
Perhaps it's those motor vehicles:
Aston Martin (oh yeah DB9), Bently, Jaguar, Lotus, Mini, Noble, Triumph, etc.
Perhaps it's those awesome autoshows now being shown in the U.S.A. with a European twist that makes autoshows in the U.S.A. look cheap and silly:
Fifth Gear, Top Gear
Perhaps it's because of British comedy.
Any one want to by 2 fish B
Um, no. I don't consume fish anymore after nearly chocking to death on a bone whilst my cousin was sitting in the chair next to me hysterically laughing to the point where his face colour was starting to change as mine already was, thanks to my aunt I survived.
Why do celebrity etc always protest give us your money Africa needs it etc then fly back to there mansion in a helicopter or Bentley and don't give a penny of there cash?
I think the richer people get the more money they want, and the poorer everyone else gets makes the rich richer. Just my take on it.
How the hell to spiders make a web between different bushs etc? Do they jump, wind blow them or do they hook some web on a bit and let the wind carry it to another bush and bobs your uncle a new crib?
Ask your friendly superhero Spider-Man, he's all over the web.
Why on earth am i asking a load of questions?
We're on Earth?
Why do the newspaper press spend thousands on zillion(not literally)mega pixel cameras when the pic are printed on crappy newspaper paper and look rubbish.
Because someday they may find a bundle of "good" paper.