Version 4.62 out now.
- 7-Zip now supports LZMA compression for .ZIP archives.- 7-Zip now can unpack UDF, XAR and DMG/HFS archives.
- 7-Zip File Manager now keeps encryption when you edit encrypted file inside archive.
- 7-Zip File Manager now allows to change current folder from the address bar drop-down list.
- It's allowed to use -t switch for "list" and "extract" commands.
- Some speed optimizations.
- 7-Zip now can unpack .lzma archives.
- Unicode (UTF-8) support for filenames in .ZIP archives. Now there are 3 modes:
1) Default mode: 7-Zip uses UTF-8, if the local code page doesn't contain required symbols.
2) -mcu switch: 7-Zip uses UTF-8, if there are non-ASCII symbols.
3) -mcl switch: 7-Zip uses local code page.
- Now it's possible to store file creation time in 7z and ZIP archives (-mtc switch).
- 7-Zip now can unpack multivolume RAR archives created with
"old style volume names" scheme and names *.001, *.002, ...
- Now it's possible to use -mSW- and -mSW+ switches instead of -mSW=off and -mSW=on
- Some bugs were fixed.
- New localizations: Punjabi (Indian), Pashto, Sinhala, Icelandic, Kurdish Sorani.
Edit: Forgot link -