Hi all
I tried searching the forum for x64 but the search engine doesn't work with words smaller then 3 characters (which renders useless any search by XP Pro x64...)
Is there a native 64bit build of Defraggler? Is it planned?
Hi all
I tried searching the forum for x64 but the search engine doesn't work with words smaller then 3 characters (which renders useless any search by XP Pro x64...)
Is there a native 64bit build of Defraggler? Is it planned?
Hi all
I tried searching the forum for x64 but the search engine doesn't work with words smaller then 3 characters (which renders useless any search by XP Pro x64...)
Is there a native 64bit build of Defraggler? Is it planned?
Hello plino,
Welcome to the forums !!!
This link will answer your question. http://docs.piriform.com/defraggler/introd...em-requirements
This following link will assist with any Piriform products.
Piriform Documentation - Bookmark and save to Favorites
Best wishes, davey
Hi davey
This does not answer at all to my question.
It just shows that Defraggler can run on a x64 system. But as a 32bit program.
My question is: do you (Piriform) plan to release a native 64bit version?
We currently have no plans to release a native 64 bit version of Defraggler as the current one is fully compatible with 64 bit OSs.
Hi MrRon
Thank you for the answer.
Wouldn't using 64bit code speed up the task?
What about using multiprocessor or multicore tasks?
Hi MrRon
Thank you for the answer.
Wouldn't using 64bit code speed up the task?
What about using multiprocessor or multicore tasks?
You might want to read about the pros and cons of 64-bit software at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit#Pros_and_cons
Many people have fallen into the trap of believing that 64-bit automatically means faster, and the truth is, this isn't the case for the majority of applications. Whether 64-bit Windows executes 64-bit software faster is not something I'm knowledgeable about.
Software like Defraggler are almost always bottlenecked by the performance of your hard drive, not CPU or memory availability. Having 64-bit software in this case would probably not make much of a difference.
Hope this helps!
jesuitx, thank you very much for an excellent answer.
I had almost given up on getting an answer. Apparently the question wasn't interesting enough for admins or forum helpers to bother to answer.
I guess your answer also covers the benefits from multiprocessor (or multicore) use. If the bottleneck is the HD activity (which makes sense) then there is no need for more processing power.
Thank you again!