5.0 UI is a step backwards

Not happy at all. It looks like it was designed by a grade schooler.

Example - look at the alignment of the tabs. They look like they were stuck there by some little kid wearing gloves.

The product may work well, but it now looks totally unrefined. And considering all the animosity out there for registry cleaners, it should look totally professional. It is now far from it. :(


I think it looks way more refined than previosly, though I feel the theme is not the right theme. I don't really like the flat tile theme from windows 8, but it is definately more refined and more professional than version 4.

The assortment, the ergonomical design, everything is way mor refined and professional.

Worst downgrade they could of ever released.

You people are silly.. Excellent job piriform.. excellent upgrade, the interface is awesome and the speed is incredible.. Nicely done!

Gotta say I agree, doesn't look great. I accept all programs and websites are going down the "dumbed down for tablets" look, but that aside, a few things I think could/should be addressed:

The one I dislike is the title bar - white is not attractive and, more importanly, doesn't match the rest of the program, and the icons don't look, or function, nice. The close button isn't fully in the corner, a nuisance when using full screen and you just naturally go to the extreme top right to close (and nothing happens cos the icon is inset). The min and max buttons also don't react on hover, so gives no idea of whether you're over the, relatively tiny looking, buttons. Perhaps darken the buttons to make the button size/borders clearer

The Windows and application tabs - I dunno what it is but they’re just not right. Partly they’re not very intuitive as they are, due to the coloring of the tabs and the dark highlight on the active tab, the grey tab actually looks bigger so gives the impression of being the active tab, even though it’s greyed out.

50 shades of grey - having the sidebar, and bottom bar a different shade of grey looks like an unfinished product (also, any reason for the bottom bar at all? Seems a lot of dead space just for an update link)

Following on from above, dead space - bottom bar, progress bar, “Analysis complete” section, “Files to be deleted” section, vertical text spacing throughout, column headers (and tab heights, but I know that’s more of the seemingly compulsory tablet dumbing down look so probably never change)

You people are silly.. Excellent job piriform.. excellent upgrade, the interface is awesome and the speed is incredible.. Nicely done!

Cut it out Piriform.

The titlebar is my only real complaint. It seems like it's made up custom, instead of just using a normal windows form. It's thicker and has more padding than my system preferences, and it's just a little weird for me.

I created this account just now for one reason and one reason only - to echo this sentiment that this UI has got to be one of the most disgusting UIs I've ever seen.

  • No Windows Aero
  • White title bar is just butt ugly and completely out of place with the greyness of the rest of the UI
  • Bottom grey bar is different grey than the left vertical bar's grey, in addition to being wasted space
  • No options to customize the UI in the settings
  • Solid colour buttons and solid colour background in general just look simplistic and lazy and 1990s
  • Title is centered rather than on the left, next to the program icon
  • Close button not flushly in corner
  • "Online help" button removed
  • Registry button used to use the Windows registry icon (a 4-sided 3x3 Rubik's cube, sort of) but now uses a generic four square icon which was completely made up and corresponds to nothing whatsoever, and the icon next to the "Registry Cleaner" header uses NINE cubes rather than the four in the left-hand icon!
  • UI does not meet user expectations based on 1-2 decades of standard convention in so many ways:
    • Items in the main Options window (e.g. dropdown boxes, checkboxes, etc.) inconsistently sometimes respond to mouseover and sometimes don't
    • "Windows/Applications" tabs make the selected tab smaller than the unselected tab
    • Lack of scroll bar center notches (or similar long established conventions) makes it ambiguous which portion of the bar represents the current scroll position
    • Fuzzy light grey text for checkbox items makes it seem like they're greyed out (unselectable)
    • Grey buttons on the right side in certain options menus, along with dull grey obscure text, makes them seem unusable/unselectable
    • Convention-defying checkbox categories (System, Windows Explorer, etc.) obscure the ability to click the category icon to select all items within that category (ditto for results window)
    • Resize dots on the bottom right have been removed, obscuring the ability to resize the window

It's important to emphasize that most of these problems are not matters of aesthetic preference, these are convention-defying changes that completely throw out the window everything that's been established from nearly two decades of UI and UX convention and make for a confusing, distracting, difficult, annoying, and anomalous user experience.

CCleaner 5.0 will make a fine addition to the PowerPoint slides of experts who illustrate to programmers what sort of UX/UI disasters to avoid. Perhaps the CCleaner developer(s) responsible for this train wreck would like to attend such lessons.

Agreed. It looks quite ugly to me albeit being useable.

I created an account on these forums just to add to what has been said.

I love CCleaner. I also appreciate the performance update in version 5...really noticeable.

Having said that, the interface looks very very poor imo. I can understand your reason for updating the interface however it was done in the wrong manner.


I hate the metro-ish look, the top white titlebar, the caption buttons, pretty much every GUI element changed. And I am one who like minimalism in application interfaces.

However it doesn't work for CCleaner. I doubt you guys will bring back the previous interface however here's my two cents.

Simple solution:

- Allow users to switch themes including a classic look which most of us love.

Thank you Piriform!

the new UI looks as flat and useless as Microsoft's Windows Metro look

Unfortunately i have to agree - the new GUI looks horrible. I really hate this flat and ugly "new" and so called "clean" design.

It looks like a timewarp back in the 90's :(

It looks like a beta test piece, a sort of economy offering , something an apprentice knocked up in their tea break.

What a mess !!!!

At least give us the option of having the old style back.

I too dislike the new "Not Metro" UI

It's petty as after all CCleaner is a tool and my garden rake won't win awards either, but PLEASE (begging) can we have the old one back? This theme shows off my poorly "calibrated" LCD screen and makes it look "anemic"


Top marks for engaging your audience, Prifiform!

I made an account just to mention that the UI is terrible. Everyone I know agrees, but are too lazy to mention it.

I understand making it match with the UI of modern Windows (though no one wants it), but you don't have to make it look terrible to do so. Matching metro is a automatically a downgrade, one people will reluctantly accept, but you downgraded your look more than any other application I've seen yet. That includes the ones that went from wasting 40% screen space to wasting 80% of it. Not only did your artists do this bad, but the people in charge of of product quality didn't notice?

Make it modern if you want, but please make it look professional and not so unappealing to the eyes. It looks ugly and childish right now.

Kudos to the programmers by the way. The program runs great, though I'll by running it more rarely now so I don't have to see it.

I also created an account only for the purpose of mentioning how much I dislike this new theme. On the hand it looks clean. But, for the most part it's difficult to look at. I have the same problem with Office 2013. Office 2007 and 2010 are MUCH easier on the eyes. The entire point of using a 2d GUI with animated buttons and shadows was to make it easier on the eyes. Now we're back to flat interfaces like the programs that ran in DOS-Mode or on a 1984 MAC? Seriously?

In Office 2013 it's even more difficult to view the interface because of the many menu features and text. I get a headache after a few minutes (luckily I only paid $13 for Pro through my company discount). Same thing with this nonsense you've decided to use in CCleaner 5.0. The white background is also horrible to look at (same with Office 2013).

I am also one of those people who refuses to use Windows 8 due to the flat GUI (and other annoyances). Ok, so less intense graphics makes a program run faster - duh! MS only uses this as a gimmick because they couldn't increase the performance of Windows 8 without giving something up. So they decided to "lessen" the visual quality of the GUI. It's all nice and fine on a tablet perhaps. But, on a regular computer? C'mon! Even the cheapest laptop runs Windows 7 very nicely with Aero and all.

All in all you guys are only jumping on the Microsoft Theme bandwagon because it seems to be the "in" thing to do at the moment. Same thing with other software companies. When Microsoft released Office 2007 a lot of people were copying that visual style as well. I for one like the ribbon feature, but it's the colors and the visual esthetics that make it wonderful to look at and navigate. Something MS got right for a change. The blue shade is very easy on the eyes. Therefore I didn't mind others mimicking the theme.

Flat is crap and outdated. It's 2014 people. Use the power of a modern computer to your advantage and create a GUI that is pleasing to the eye. Move forwards not backwards. The apps on my Nexus 5 Android phone look better.

Oh, and BTW. I am typing this on a computer that I am setting up for a friend: Dell Dimension 4700, 3.2ghz P4, 4GB RAM, 256MB video card, 160GB SATA HD. Runs very fast with Windows 7. He can probably use this computer for another 3 - 5 years even though it was purchased in 2004!!!

I like your product. It works extremely well. I also purchased a Pro license a few weeks ago. I won't stop using it;. But, I respectfully ask that you revert back to the previous visual style.

I am also one of those people who refuses to use Windows 8 due to the flat GUI (and other annoyances). Ok, so less intense graphics makes a program run faster - duh! MS only uses this as a gimmick because they couldn't increase the performance of Windows 8 without giving something up. So they decided to "lessen" the visual quality of the GUI. It's all nice and fine on a tablet perhaps. But, on a regular computer? C'mon! Even the cheapest laptop runs Windows 7 very nicely with Aero and all.

The performance gain from flatter looking textures and simpler boxes is nothing (though there is probably performance gains above Aero for other reasons, such as Aero being poorly implemented). This isn't the reason Microsoft did it, nor is it the reason any other applications do. Its just a bad design choice that companies follow because they prefer trends over logic.

The problems with the new UI goes far beyond just being a more "modern" style. They could have made it somewhat decent with the more Metro theme, but they simply did a lot of things wrong with the theme.

Seeing as the world and even Microsoft has concluded that Windows 8 was an unmitigated disaster, I'm both surprised and disappointed to learn that CCleaner has adopted that flat and unattractive Windows 8 look.
A big Thumbs Down from this user :-(

I agree with topic starter: new look of interface is poor and very uncomfortable to use.

All that counts for me is the functionality; I really don't give a damn about the UI.

It's not like we are looking at that software all day long; I use it once a day before shutdown. I have no problem using it; it works just the same way as with the old UI (but it does seem faster!).