Before I start, let me give you guys a context. Some days ago I formatted my machine and reinstalled Windows 8.1 Pro x64. I also saved all my files (documents, videos, musics, downloads etc.) in a external hard drive before doing this. Then, when my computer was done formatting, I started transferring some of the files to the OS disk. In the middle of the transaction, the computer asked to restart to install some updates. I just canceled the transfer and restarted the computer.
When the PC has come back, I realized that my backup folder (from my external hard drive) had disappeared. All of a sudden, without even pressing a DELETE key. Then I also realized that Windows had found some potential errors on the disk, and asked me to check it. And did it, but my folders were still missing.
So I have downloaded and installed Recuva and marked Deep Scan mode, since the quick scan wasn't able to find anything useful. Two days ago, it said it was gonna take 2 days. Now it's on 31% and it says 4 days left.
I don't know what to do and what's worth to do. So if you guys could help me or give some tips I would appreciate. I really need those files and I'm using Recuva Professional.
P.S.: I have downloaded 'UltraSearch' and the software has found all my folders. It just can't be accessed when I click on the path. So it really seems that the files are there, but they were corrupted by the own computer/restart. (The files and folders are not hidden too.)