3 possible security risks found during Auslogics scan

Using Auslogics BoostSpeed I recently performed a scan under the System Advisor tab. It flagged three possible security risks and I would like your "computer savvy" opinions on whether you feel it is advised to disable the three in question or if you feel its best to leave it be.

Please view the screen shot below posted on PixPipeline:


The first one, I really don't know.

If you're not worried about people shoving things in your USB ports, I wouldn't bother with the second one.

The third is just preference.

The first one I don't think it would do any harm to disable razz, as it seems to be a feature used by computers on a network.

If your pc isn't part of a network (either home or remote), then it's a feature which doesn't seem to be needed.

A decent description of it here:

Mind this is an opinion based solely on what I've read in the last 15 minutes.

Regarding number two, I never let any of my drives autorun, whether they're CD/DVD drives or flash drives. I like to check out the contents first, and if it's an installation disk for something like a drive or printer, you can always launch the process manually by simply exploring the disk.

The exception is a bootable Rescue Flash Drive made by myself.

You never know what's on a simple compact disk you bought from HMV. Sony were caught out installing rootkits on folks computers from retail CD's a few years ago, so you never know.


The last one (like the first), is new to me, but I don't think disabling that feature would do you any harm, and it can always be enabled again.

If it was my PC, I would definitely go with number two, and probably try one and two and see if it makes any difference. Probably none.

MHO with one and two razz. As Winapp says, some of these things are personal choice.

Thank you very much Winapp and Dennis, I knew I could count on you guys to give good advice!

I'm disabling all 3.

Hi razz, a bit late here but I would have gone along with what you have done...all three.

I have always had the 3rd one ticked. Best explanation of why would be this...

When you connect to a site that is encrypted the data sent over the network is encrypted. Your browser has the key to decrypt and display the information. Why give someone a chance to crack the encryption. If you don't allow IE to save it to disk then it is nearly impossible for someone else to be able to get that file and use brute force to crack it.

Hi Hazel, you make an excellent point. Thanks.