I downloaded 3.0 and was very intrigued by the new 'intelligent' cookie cleaning feature. But I could not find any documentation about how it works, what it cleans and how much it will remove. I have avoided using CC on my cookies for fear of deleting those that make browsing easier and would love it if the new feature allowed me run CC on my cookies, knowing that the 'good' ones will be left untouched.
Can anybody shed light on the new feature? Many thanks!
Yes, I'd like to agree with Merk's comments. I have so far resisted downloading version 3 as the list of improvements don't seem to offer much for my XP system. Can someone say I am wrong on this - confirm? I would also be worried, based on Merks comments, that my "good" cookie list in my current version might be lost and I would have to rebuild painfully. Anyone know if my fears are well founded? Thanks, bdh.
that my "good" cookie list in my current version might be lost
If it were going to ignore this list why would they bother including it. This comment makes no sense..? To answer your question directly, after upgraded my "safe" cookies list was transfered to the new version and none of the listen cookies were deleted.
I have so far resisted downloading version 3 as the list of improvements don't seem to offer much for my XP system. Can someone say I am wrong on this - confirm?
New environmental variables, more application cleaning and improvements to HTML5 offline storage not enough? I've noticed that it runs somewhat faster too... so I'm guessing some of the scanning code has been reworked.
what on earth is "vercookie"
A typo for "Evercookie," which is a type of cookie which replicated itself over 10 or so places on your PC making it near impossible to remove. Do a search for more information about these.
The change log says it's intelligent cookie "keeping," so it sounds like if anything it might keep some cookies that aren't specifically in your "Cookies to keep" list but ones it "decides" shouldn't be deleted. I'd run Analyze for awhile before deleting and see what it does. It's not gonna just delete your cookies unless you say it's okay, at least it shouldn't