I have about 20,000 files in various states (i.e. unrecoverable, poor, excellent) when I scan a particular directory. I finally figured out that I can sort by "state" so that all the excellent (green) files are together, but I cannot figure out how to highlight only the green ones without clicking on each one individually. Please tell me there's a way to do this.
Nope, there isn't, not easily that is. The only thing that I can think of is to highlight the first excellent file, hold down shift, scroll down until the first poor, and then highlight the last excellent. Yes I know, there's a lot of files to scroll through.
Thanks, Augeas, but I tried holding down the shift key but it appears to have no effect. Unless you have to do it with nothing already selected. Do you know if the paid version works any differently? I would pay $20 to save myself 10,000 clicks (I think about 10K of the 20K files are green).
Just to check that you are following Augeas's instructions..
You left click on file at the top of the green list to highlight it.
You hold down the shift key (one with the arrow)
You move down list a bit (as a test) to another green file and left click on it and the files inbetween should all turn blue so that you can right-click on them to recover.
Ahhhhhh! I never thought of doing it that way! I was trying to do that with the check boxes, not the files, and I never thought that if you highlighted the files that you'd be able to check them all by checking one of the highlighted ones.
Thank you for the clarification and for making my day!