Any guesses?
From the Facebook page:
Person 1: A backup program would be nice. I'm sure it would be most excellent, just like all your other products.
Person 2: Would love to see a copy/convert program. Thanks guys, you are awesome.
Person 3: I wouldn't mind a drive map program like SpaceMonger.
Person 4: An AviSynth GUI to create scripts. Oh man that would be great.
Person 5: AntiVirus?
Person 6: I agree, I think a backup program would be great.
Person 7: Ommitted
Person 8: I've gotta go for backup program as well. And you would be able to sell it to buisnesses so it can make you profit.
Person 9: Download manager
Person 10: why hold back? create an operating system! One specifically designed to be TINY and more than likely to boot a computer from a CD for disaster recovery etc. I'll leave the rest up to Piriform. but you will call the program "BOOTY" ...think about it...
Person 11: A duplicate file finder
LOL my favorite is "omitted" LOL
The omitted person said this: "a best software?" I can tell their first language wasn't English.
Someone else added
a program that fixes drivers and updates things.... its what i've allways wished you would do ...
A proper and intuitive file/folder sync program. One that supports sync profiles. There isn't any good free one out there.
Or a proper looking and functioning zip/unzip program. Perhaps not the most obvious choice since there is 7-zip, however 7-zip version 9.20 sucks on Windows 7 (released after two years of development!). Not to speak about the horrible GUI...
however 7-zip version 9.20 sucks on Windows 7 (released after two years of development!). Not to speak about the horrible GUI...
The GUI icons seriously do need modernization, and have needed it for several years already, although since it's a Win9x and above app I can understand why they still look the same for compatibilities sake.
I don't personally feel another Zip/Unzip program is needed however, there are so many too choose free/open source/commercial, and Windows itself since XP can Zip/Unzip -- so no real need for redundancy.
I'm vying for a piriform file meta data editor sort of like MP3Tag or ExifViewer, ect. It'd be cool I guess
I can't really think of anything other than a windows explorer alternative to go along with that >_<
Although a nice partition editor would be nice.
I wonder what the devs think about our speculation...
Or a proper looking and functioning zip/unzip program. Perhaps not the most obvious choice since there is 7-zip, however 7-zip version 9.20 sucks on Windows 7 (released after two years of development!). Not to speak about the horrible GUI...
Search 7-zip on deviantArt. There are lots of patches for icons/zip icons/etc.
HaoZip looks nice, too:
[EDIT : Just tried it...really nice.]
Okay, looking at the existing products...
CCleaner = cleans.
Recuva = recovers.
Defraggler = defrags.
Speccy = specs.
[mystery 1] = ?
[mystery 2] = ?
Options: A tool mainly for optimization with error checking, backup, scheduling tool (does something like that even exist?), an advanced uninstalling tool, etc. etc.
Perhaps a little program to see what is hogging the space on your hard drive, similar to WinDirStat and Treesize.
Ok, it was only a guess, it was all I could think of
Perhaps a little program to see what is hogging the space on your hard drive, similar to WinDirStat and Treesize.
Ok, it was only a guess, it was all I could think of
I'd like that.
Something that would DISPLAY the duplicate files [hiding system files)
Show all your files in different categories like |Videos|Music|Compressed|Other|
Display them according to size, last date of use, etc.
* Disk imaging software. Scratch that, even if Piriform made one I wouldn't dump Macrium Reflect.
* Lightweight, fully portable, and easy-to-use CD/DVD/HD-DVD/Bluray, etc., disc burning/ripping software with full verification after the burn process, and "secure" audio CD ripping to defeat drive cache, could even plug into the AccurateRip database, and have RedBook Standard compliance.
* Installation/Setup creation using CAB SFX or something similarly that compresses tightly, sort of like Inno Setup, NSIS, Wise Installer, etc., of course without the gosh damned scripting language.