1TB Disks


I am trying to recover all files, using deep scan, on 2 1TB disks using RECUVA, raid corrupted by the Motherboard settings. The process, appears to hang at 42%. The progress bar stops but the time remaining gets longer. I have tried both disks several times. I have waited 8 hours or more with no apparent progress

Is there a size limitation on the process?


Not that I'm aware of. However Recuva takes several hours on a deep scan on my 160 gb disk (with little data - does Recuva look at every sector whether its used or not? I guess it must do) so 2 tb could take well over 24 hrs to run. There may be problems building a huge dynamic list of files found.

I'm no raid expert but you said you ran Recuva on both disks. Were they not configured as one logical disk? Does not Recuva see them as one logical disk? If they were one, and you're scanning indivdually, then that's not logical, as someone else said.


Tks - there are now 2 1TB disks which used to be part of 1 RAID. I had problems with the graphics card, but didn't know that was the problem so reset the CMOS, and lost the RAID Self-inflicted injuries :-(

I have tried both disks individually - they are no longer a RAID, but both hang at 42%. Task Manager shows no activity.

Would large AVI files cause "apparent" inactivity? I have some 30GB files - although I would have expected Task Manager to report CPU usage even if RECUVA is only reading the disk?
