Howdy - I could use some assistance with a printer error. I have a Dell Dimension 2400 series with Windows XP that runs great!
Here's the question backup.
I defrag'd my C: drive (needed it. it's been over a year) 5 days ago and it ran for about 3 hours or so. No issue there.
When the defrag completed, I ran the ccleaner and then the ccleaner registry cleaner. Now starts the problem.
When I rebooted I received an ?unmountable_boot_volume? error. Evidently, there were some files placed in the ccleaners registry fix area and they were deleted when the clean up completed. Not Ccleaners fault. I'm just a novice with these registry things.
Got the "blue screen of death?"
I changed the boot sequence and booted from the cd drive with the OS install cd
I performed a chkdsk /r from the Dell install cd and it indicated there was nothing wrong with the drive,
although it had registry errors
I've worked for 4 days now putting the computer back together and it's running like a champ again, better than before actually, but I have one last item that concerns printing.
I cannot print anything from any program
The computer has given me different reasons
?1829 code error?
another was ?printer driver not installed? ? which it is
I reloaded it several different times from different ways too
I think the registry was corrupted when this happened, but chkdsk /r doesn't correct it
I don?t know how to resolve this. Although, I know there are super users out there that can help w/o me having to wipe the drive clean and start over again. There's got to be a way.
Lastly, the printer I have is really old too. I was getting ready to get a new one, this is just making me do it sooner.
I also bought RegistryBosster too and it didn't resolve the issue. Getting a refund underway now on that.
Any ideas or assistance would be great.