12 hours and only 1% more defragged

First time I had used defraggler - and like others Im a fan of Ccleaner but this program really doesnt seem to work for me.

Im on VISTA home premium. The analysing bit said it was 55% deframented. After 5 hours 30% defragging complete - left it for 4 more hours, still on 30%. Left it on all night and its 31%!!

I've been stuck at 99% for three days???

What gives?

How much free space do you have? I think 20% is recommended.

If you're defragging a large volume with large files it's going to take forever. Defraggler is good about consolidating free space, but if you have a lot of large files they all have to be moved, at least the first time you run it.

If the volume is almost full, Defraggler won't do you much good anyway. The files will be defragged but not in any particular order. The drive head will still have to move all over the disk to find stuff.

How much free space do you have? I think 20% is recommended.

If you're defragging a large volume with large files it's going to take forever. Defraggler is good about consolidating free space, but if you have a lot of large files they all have to be moved, at least the first time you run it.

If the volume is almost full, Defraggler won't do you much good anyway. The files will be defragged but not in any particular order. The drive head will still have to move all over the disk to find stuff.

It's only about 33% full of a 1.5TB SATA drive, some large files, but I didn't select to move the large files to the end in the options screen. It is a Mirrored RAID, so maybe that is where the slowdown is. The weird thing to me is that it took no time to get to 97% and then two days to get 2% more, then stuck on 99% for about 3 days. It says zero file fragmented, but it's still cranking. I've even tried to stop and restart it, it does the same thing. If there are zero files defragmented, then what is it doing?

RAID could be the problem. I know some people have had issues with it. I think Defraggler is supposed to be able to handle RAID but it might have limitations. It's a good defragger but after all it's free so that has to be taken into consideration. :)