1024x768 to small and scroll bar at the bottom


i have this resolution of 1024x768 on all my pcs/ 1366x768 on my laptop but by using the include-function was the screen to small and the scroll bar was at the bottom in the browser (ff)


is it the agomo-footer to wide or another problem?

i have it tested with ie11 and srm-iron (chrome)... everything is fine.





perhaps because of the font used in Firefox. does anyone know how to change it?

perhaps because of the font used in Firefox.

no, i have try it. the size of the font in ff is not the problem.

the same issue as in pic from post 1.

i mean, i have found the problem... perhaps its a problem of piriform/agomo...

after manual adjustment for ff:


Tools -> Options -> Content -> “Fonts and Colors” -> Advanced -> box uncheck “Allow pages to own fonts, instead of my selections above”

with this ff will show (for example the agomopage) with the fontsetting above to see

after this adjustment it is better than befor on agomopage: (but still not as by ie11 or iron chrome)



Default font and Size: Web pages are usually displayed in the font and size that were set here. However, web pages can override these settings, unless you have specified otherwise in the Fonts dialog. Click the Advanced … button to access the font settings and modify these and other fonts settings.

Pages that use of own fonts, instead of my selections above: By default Firefox the fonts that have been set by the web page author. The cancel this setting, instead forcing all pages to use the default you specify.

my question is:

have the page authors set his own fonts for agomosides (and piriform)? why interpreted Firefox your site differently as IE and Chrome?

or use it only the standard-settings of browsers as chrome?

(perhaps the same issue with ff is in our forum –> http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showforum=19 only with firefox (not with IE11 and Chrome) on first pinned thread.


Sorry you are having problem, I have reproduced the issue and passed it on to the dev's so that they can investigate further if needed and resolve. Thanks for your help.

Have a look here in case any of the options help
