Agree totally with Andavari, this comes as no surprise to me. I actually thought I'd give the current version a try recently and it was a shadow of its former self. I do still use the old 5.7 version though and it wipes the floor with CCleaners secure deletion (all existence of files are gone unlike CCleaner and Recuvas method of renaming them zzzzzzzzzz.zzz or whatever)
Oh and I agree completely with moving WFS to tools, but I think thats only a matter of time (possibly in version 3?). It's far to sensible not to be changed at some point.
You use FileShredder to erase, then what do you use CCleaner for? I just downloaded Eraser yesterday and felt like it wasn't doing it's job like it used to back in 5.8. When would you use FileShredder vs CCleaner?
What would you use to wipe a HDD? Would you format it as well?